OI tank should be added

But I’m refering to the R2Y1 there isnt much space central space upfront for any cannons unless you fire one thru the prop

For example, all the modern vehicles. Pretty much everything about their protection is classified, yet there are seemingly no problems in adding more.

Even in matters that can be easily proven, gaijin often comes up with multiple excuses as to why they don’t believe manufacturer claims or documentation (or simply want something in a specific way, realism be damned) - like the M41A1’s turret traverse, or the HSTV-L as an easy example.

Yet for others, like the TOG II, they add them in the “Intended final form” instead of what was actually built (which I’m not entirely against either).

The O-I was unquestionably built, and like the TOG II it should be added in its intended final form - with 150mm frontal armor and 3 turrets.


If you referring to the R2Y1 I doubt it would be used as a fighter seems way more designed with Bombing or intercepting than a fighter.

Yep, and the problem Gaijin seems to be having is, due to how big and boxy the damn thing is, would make it only be feasible in the outskirts, and due to its 150mm cannon at higher BRs performing very poorly. But at lower BR’s become a dominant escort vehicle. I wish Gaijin just came out and admitted “We cannot add the O-I because it is in the same predicament as the Maus Super Heavy Tank and we don’t know what to do”.

Cause at this point this is what their implying.


I don’t know if it truly would be that bad. We’re talking 150mm of pretty much flat armor at the front, which depending on how the side armor would turn out you may or may not be able to angle. The 150mm gun might have good HE, which would put it somewhat close to the 155mm HE artilleries in AT capability. I don’t think we have this gun in-game, or the HE shell so can’t know for sure.

That, combined with its gigantic size and low mobility would probably put it at 6.0-6.3 - extremely easy to flank or bomb with a LONG reload and such a size that you’re locked out of entire sections of the map, but if you hit someone’s roof or something with a 150mm shell it’s lights out.

The Maus was in a tough(er) spot because it was right between WW2 and cold war, the O-I wouldn’t be.

It’s not. It would from a gameplay standpoint do what the TOG II does. Which is block off areas if you rotate it to the side.

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It’s not… what?

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Are their any plans for introducing a TT Japanese heavy tank at rank 3 and above?
Because daily and battlepass challenges regarding heavy tanks cannot be grinded with those nations.
(Same goes for Sweden and other minor nations)

Which is especially weird, because gaijin stated that the primary focus of a player is to grind one nation istead of all of them. (Correct me if i’m wrong).


Currently no as there a no viable options to consider.

Heavy Tank No.6 was added some time ago.

Do the developers even have plans to return to producing WWII equipment like in the good old days? Or will they continue churning out clones of modern equipment?

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WW2 content continues to be added, as can be seen by some of the most recent major updates.

However the vast majority of the games content is mostly still WW2 and there is a demand in the community to see modern vehicles. So we will also continue to expand on this area.

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Great, but unfortunately, the same Japanese research branch has not been replenished with its own WWII equipment for a very long time, which is very sad. Considering that in the distant 2015/16/17 it was interesting to read devblogs about them, including attached military documents of those times

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Yeah, sadly the only existing heavy tank for Japan in those ranks is the O-I, unless a Japanese purchased Panther D would be classed as heavy tank. However this is bringing up a good point about the necessity. Perhaps there could be help gathering information for the O-I from the community to make it possible to add.

We know for a fact it existed in the necessary capacity to be added to the game, so either the devs are behind on information on the vehicle or lack certain details on it to make it possible, both of these cases could be helped by the community. Do we know when the devs last did research on the tank/had research done? Or is it maybe an ongoing project you could open up to community input for sources the devs might have missed?

It really is an important tank to many, being not only an interesting and unique WWII tank, but also an important gameplay component allowing the Japanese tree to be used for more in game tasks, so it might be something the community would like to contribute on if the devs seem to be stuck.


That’s a naval gun turret for shore defense, not a heavy tank.

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Did someone say that this is a heavy tank? This is a photo of a turret that looks very similar to the turret from the O-I drawings

another maus, now find the documents for it.

Edit-found some documents- (public access, ofc)


Sorry, don’t know how to compress these.
Doesn’t sound very “heavy” to me, except in weight. Basically a way fatter and slower tog 2 but with a really good main gun


Why else would you post it in a thread about a japanese heavy tank? And no, it looks very different.

O-I turret was designed as hexagonal, as in the FineMolds kits - they currently hold documents that nobody here has access to.

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Also perhaps the most damning issue there, that’s a Navy gun AFAIK. The O-I was an Army project.