OI tank should be added

I would just like to point out we stopped working with a previous Japanese consultant due to misinformation and false public statements when they attempted to speak on behalf of the developers with things that were not accurate.

One such statement was on the O-I and the Devs “having everything required” when this was very clearly not the case as stated by the developers.

We appreciated their work and contributions, but it was not viable to continue.

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So when we are gonna see the O-I tank that only tells us that the developers gave up trying to get the information and even stopped putting the effort of putting the vehicle in the game at all.

One lying faux-historian should not be a reason to quit trying to get more information on the vehicle. That would be a demoralizing factor but should not be a reason to outright pack the bags.


The world doesn’t work the way you think it does. Other countries do not work the same, every country has its system, laws, economy, currency, and policies, and how they act and behave also affects decision-making as well.

Ex: You cannot compare countries such as Japan and Korea when it comes to this because everything I said above is very different.

Japan runs heavily on a system of trust for everything. This is why shops with 0 people working in them exist since they expect you to pay when you get the food. It’s embedded in how they run and have lived for centuries.

Korea on the other hand is very different as everything effected is based around family traditions and cultures something that has always been the case.

An article on this type of thing is not really going to bring any positive focus or news to people. A news post telling people why we won’t be introducing something that a set of people want to see regardless of our reasoning is just going to create more discourse and negative discussions. Articles like this take a lot of time from the developers, so they need to be constructive, meaningful and worthwhile.

Sadly a suggestion topic being passed is not an indication it can be implemented. Suggestion topics have a set minimum criteria for something to even be considered. A suggestion topic is not the baseline for implementation. Far more is actually required for that. We have suggestions even older than that that may not yet have been implemented and some may never be. Sadly not every suggestion passed is a viable one to add.

As I’ve already explained, we have no current plans to implement this vehicle as of right now. The developers consider their to be too many unknowns and a lack of overall viable information on the vehicle.

Nowhere was this said. I mentioned above that if new information came to light, its a never say never situation. Only that currently there are no plans as there simply is insufficient information.


Still, people including myself have been waiting for something new for Japanese ground from the 2nd world War or earlier to come into the tree, the last thing we got was a battle pass Ka-Chi, and even then people including myself weren’t exactly happy to see it as such. But I won’t dive into that barrel.

The point is, that the more the developers do not add anything to Japanese ground that isn’t modern, the more it feels neglected and ignored. This has led to player interest being funneled towards only the US, Germany, USSR/RUS you could count the UK but they’re a middleman. It has also severely restricted how we play the game since we are forced to use a vehicle in a way that causes it to struggle a bit.

Besides that still doesn’t answer the question about Ostwind II. Why is that allowed in the game when the only source is a newspaper clipping at best? which would be a 2nd source and as the rules stated would need 2 or more as one isn’t reliable. That’s what confuses me.

Besides that i am thankful that your going out of your way to respond but it just leaves so many more questions then answered.


So has a new consultant been brought in to fill the void or has it simply gone empty? Based on how content has been coming to Japan my guess is it’s still empty.


Honestly this seems fair. It’s pretty clear that it did exist, but details are still not complete. I’d still say that there is more than certain other vehicles, but Gaijin is probably aware of that.

If I had to guess they are probably going to use it as a dreams come true event at some point.

But who knows, maybe they are just one specific source away from adding it as a tech tree heavy tank, we won’t know until it’s there.

From what I understand historica lresearch regardign Japn is done through DMM now instead. Not sure who does it for DMM, but that would be the consultant(s)


You are the master of irony.

Yet other vehicles get added when even less is known about them. I agree with what you wrote, but certain additions are completely running against it - so clearly these requirements are not universal.


If this helps in any way:

Official drawings with overlay translation


The constructors who were working on this project at the time


The rest you know…


More evidence just to prove it existed and was built.

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Such as? Cause since the removal of Tiger II 105, nothing has been added that doesn’t have extremely accurate source material.

The requirements are clearly universal and identical for every class of vehicle: Production, non-prototype seeking clients, completed prototype, incomplete semi-functional prototype.

Oh, why thank you but I don’t recall asking for your opinion on what I had to say. While the same could go for you, your track record is comparable to making Nitroglycerin from rice.

Don’t think any one of us referenced the 105, so I don’t know where you got that pre-assumption. A famous and very questionable one right now remains to be the Ostwind II which has only a newspaper clipping. Don’t see how that’s universal, if a newspaper clipping can get a vehicle in the game then you would think a ton of documentation from the controversial ex-consultant to the players posting more info should by default get the O-I in the game but it’s very damn clear that Gaijin just doesn’t want to because they don’t want another Maus Battle rating situation.

Heck I’d say another slightly controversial vehicle is the “Zerstörer 45” Which should be this

Not the Mobelwagon 3cm which is what was added to the game.

This is not the Flakpanzer IV (3 cm Flakvierling) ‘Zerstörer 45’ this is the Flakpanzer IV (3.7 cm Flak 43) ‘Möbelwagen’ (Sd. Kfz.163/3)
Which right now is mislabelled in-game but i digress.


The Ostwind II had schematics as back-up, which are easier to 3D model on than taking photos of the real thing. Photos are primarily for cockpits after all, as those aren’t in aircraft schematics; harder to model off of too.

We know Ostwind II existed and we know how it was built. We just don’t know where its metal pieces are in Europe [or we do and I haven’t found the photograph].

If there are schematics and aerial pictures then by all means post them. Prove me wrong.


All nations, should have at least 2 heavy tanks.

No more than 5. It would better cover 5 different tiers.

5 hours later, and clearly what Alvis said was boloney. If your gonna say something at least AT LEAST put the money where your mouth is.