OI tank should be added

If films and you know replicas know that it existed. Gaijin really can’t make any excuses and it just seems like they make excuses cause they don’t want another Maus situation even though, their gonna be in another one since the pot is starting to boil over. But i digress love the pictures.

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I have had my own unpleasant expereince with Exocetta before, a real forum dweller lol. I could be wrong but i feels like he spends more time on the forum than on the actual game ;)


Not just planned it was built theres a picture of it aswell I’ve seen it in a american intel report it but it only had a prop engine and no armament there was however amament planned but it would most likely have been wing mounted

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And that one track link would be the sacred foundational relic xD.

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So many experts on what should be in-game and what not.

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Projection. You’re the one who personally attacked me.
Your profile icon is appropriate.

I mean, rudeness aside, he has a point in that you asked for proof and got proof, but didn’t accept it.


You don’t need to be an expert to see that Japan doesn’t possess a single rank III+ heavy tank besides the rare event Tiger to grind tasks with.


As the mod explained your proof isn’t proof.
I’m not worried about your man feelers.

The mod explained that the current dev opinion is that it lacks sources to be in game. This can mean many things, not just that they think it isn’t real, but perhaps that they are missing information to model it.

Not just that, but being a dev statement, it is not some historian denying it or even some hobby researcher. There is no guarantee that whoever stated this, or even any dev for that matter researched the vehicle extensively and read all available sources, especially since for most devs they are in a foreign language.

Anyways, I’d rather believe historians than video game developers on historical matters.


By “devs” this includes the historians that they have that do research.
To reiterate;
The only “evidence” of this are a couple of vague pieces of paper and some drawings that my 12 year old could have made. There is a single track link that may or may not have been for a tank, since Japan also had heavy industry and ship building, and endless track is used for more than just tanks.
There is no provenance for these artifacts. In fact most of them are only traced back to the '70s. They have no historical value at all.

By “devs” it means either whoever Smin asked about it or the latest public statement. It is unknown who exactly this is. However, even assuming this includes Gaijins historical consultants, those do not do research on Japan. The last Japanese consultant quit years ago and since then historical research on Japanese technology has been done almost exlusively through DMM, the provider for War Thunder in Japan.

And once again, even if it was spoken through with DMMs historians, “Not enough information” does not mean it doesn’t exist. One possibility for example would be that it is an issue that detailed blueprints are still privately owned by the company FineMolds, which might mean Gaijin lacks the material to model it accurately at this time.

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Well you go find that information that does not exist and we can have this conversation again.
And no, any drawings that a plastic model company made do not count either.

I doubt it. For a Jet bomber, would make sense that they didn’t put it wing-mounted.

Don’t get why they don’t just buy several O-I model kits and base it on that. Since if those model kits are a 1 to 1 at a small scale you would think it would be too hard for them to request a larger scale replica of the tank but fully constructed and easy to dismantle such as easy-to-remove top plating.

You are such a gaslighter lol. You wasted your time calling me stupid, while all i said is that a guy with most of his time on war thunder spend playing 50 games with rank1-2 vehicles should not go around calling “skill issue”

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Just ignore them they make solid points rarely but at other times say outlandish claims with no backing.


You are right, ill stick to the topic of this thread from now on

They did not make drawings, they bought exclusive rights to the blueprints alongside various other material on the O-I stored in the Japanese national archives.

I’d assume licensing. With FineMolds owning the material, use of it likely has to be going through them.

Then again I don’t know if that even is the issue, as I said it’s always possible it’s just a statement from a Russian dev that once read a Russian book saying it’s fake, or that simply visited Wikipedia as his main source. Point is, not every dev is a historian, and no dev statemet goes through every employee. The issue could be anything really.


lol. That isn’t how that works.