Off Topic Discussion

Did he blame you for something I brought up as well?

Yea like what the hell was that about

He still not messaged us back

Who knows, i think some people jump on the hate train with you like they did with Alex and Razer back in they day

And not to forget panther

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But here the thing even though I have arguments but I don’t attack them as bad as them

Panther and I when we type anything that’s slightly incorrect forgetting to proof-read. Anger

I mean who knows, people get really angry when people suggest minor nations (especially britian for some reason) should get something good

Its as if they act like we are the reddit german mains even though britain is arguably one of the worst treated nations alongside sweden and France


I mean panther did cause a riot

He was just a tiny bit obsessive

Oh I know why it’s because of the stereotyping and it’s cool to hate Britain because of there history

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I say Sweden is one of the best treated nations in the game imho

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cough russia cough USA cough japan cough germany cough china

Not for top tier air right now, but i guess the are gonna be pretty good soon

I’m getting sick of this now

The brain is smooth with this one

I’m going to delete all of my comments on there now but even that has a limit


Some people have smoothest brains

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some people are soft and easily offended.

Whats up we can discuss why Russia lacks the capability to reproduce advanced weapon systems right now and see who has a smooth brain.

Russia is not the Soviet Union and many advanced weapon systems were designed and produced outside of Russia and have remained there. They lack the manufacturing capability and intellectial properties to build them again after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

So yes, if you give Russia the Aim54 and said mass produce them. They are technologically incapable and even lack the materials being heavily sanctioned.

Cry some more, boy.

Aim54 isn’t advanced any more

Russians can make advance equipment the issue for them is corruption prevent correct use of funds

Its like talking to a brick wall

Why are you being so aggresive and rude though?

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