Off Topic Discussion

My apologiez spaz.


This is a place for friendly debate even if youre being insulted.

Wow. Yall just wont let the man breathe huh.


Britan gets screwed by never being flavor of the month because british food has no flavor.

the answer is simple: no, and neither would the US

the missile uses technology that’s so outdated that you’ll have a hard time sourcing components to make one

went to Britain once, got fries seasoned with Vinegar

got border checked even tho it was still EU at the time

I need a cool discounted premium recommendation. Any ideas?

The SA heil is going to be gone after the sale

Yeah true but it’s ugly imo

but not that bad

To be honest only get the vehicles that are being discontinued. Save the money for later when they actually decide to give a good sale.

I was thinking about A-5C because it looks good, has good missiles, good flight performance, flares, decent CAS loadouts with full CCIP and modern RWR.

I can vouch for the A-5C. It’s a good space climber with magics, energy retention, and a bomb load with computer.

It’s people like you who are ruining that place. Can’t understand jokes willing to see other destroyed because there logic isn’t sound even though time after time WT continues to break these rules.


What kind of advanced weapons systems are you talking about? Here’s an example: Russia is armed with a hypersonic dagger missile, which is now being produced without any problems. While the USA does not even have analogues to such technologies.

Just an American boy moment

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I’m thinking of getting the Italian F-104 is it still worth it ?

It’s an modernized F-104, it’ll serve you well.

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The problem still is brain drain, lack of work force, and lack of precision manufacturing.

The tolerances for hypersonic flight are EXTREMELY tight and parts had to be sourced from the west.

Not bad. Situational as every Starfighter but this time with multirole capability. My favourite loadout for example:

You can take 1 base with it and still carry full A2A load.

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Almost all weapons consist of various components from both Western countries and Eastern and Middle Eastern countries. As for the labor force, then come to Russia and see for yourself, instead of reading various publications that have no idea what they are writing about

The fact remains that different countries are superior to each other in different weapons

Ah ok fair enough I’m currently researching the 104G and I’ve put in around 70K for the S before they added the G. So with that if I get the F-104 (TUR) then I can go straight down to the F-16 and make myself ready for the Hungarian line.

I can’t believe I’m three aircraft away from the F-16 but then it’s like 1,187,000 RP.
I don’t even want to look at the SL