Off Topic Discussion

not just the FAA


the RAF Too

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One step closer !

bro wut
surely not

wait never mind i just saw australia, im stupid

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hey @Deathmisser got something else for you
UK considers Rafale and F-18 as ‘interim aircraft’

"The Times/Defense management ; jan 26

Ministry of Defence concerns over the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter have led to military chiefs looking at other fast jets for the UK’s aircraft carrier, it has been reported.
According to The Times, Admiral Sir Trevor Soar, the current commander-in-chief fleet, said concerns were growing about rising costs and delays in the JSF programme, something now worsened by order cuts from the US.
Soar, who was addressing defence companies at the ADS Maritime Interest Group, reportedly said the UK might not receive the $100m per piece F-35 jets until a decade after the delivery of the carrier, currently set for 2019.
He was said to be considering the French Dassault Rafale and the US F-18 Super Hornet to give Britain an “interim aircraft capability”.
Soar indicated that the JSF would be a major talking point at the next strategic defence review in 2015."

Rafale for Britain anyone?

we could get it with India as well


Better to use aircraft actually used by commonwealth than foriegn evaluations and training.

Stop making me hard I mean stop making me hit hard surfaces :P

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should have seen my reaction when I saw that twitter post, was like a dream come true

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Same but it’s so weird to see people want more than just Harriers but not wanting them too

Hey if it helps when i played HOI4s millennium dawn (modern Day) mod the other day i bought some F-16Cs, F-18Es and Bradleys, so surely thats enough evidence for them to come to the UK

plus if you go into some weird physics then technically there is at least one universe out there where Britain operates them, and id say that’s better justification than the Kronshdat

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@lxtav The RxR is full of idiots it’s heart breaking

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I know but hey, at least we got some activity there for once, ever since here opened it has been more barren than Slough


Yea but I promised myself to not get dragged into these type of things again but when they are spitting over reacting comment you can’t help but to put them in there place

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You know what if Smin doesnt respond to my ping there by the time im finished with my Victor suggestion this week then ill consider making one for the F18E

But its gonna go down wayy worse than my F-111K suggestion…


Why what happen with the F-111K one ?

Its just that people want the TSR.2 over it, it was always gonna get flack for not being finished but the F18E is gonna bring a whole new breed of salt

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Wtf people really are stupid here aren’t they I can name a few vehicles that was in service nor Finished

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@lxtav @Rileyy3437 CTAYPOΦΟΡΟС is proof I’m just a laughing stock to that thread

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