Off Topic Discussion

@AlvisWisla We well I need to know what was insulting in that whole comment ?

why dont we all just calm down…

heres a cat for everyone


Just wanna stop by to say if subs become part of the real naval trees ill finally actually play naval.


SHAR 2 is another missile bus and Hawk 200 would be a meme at best, Torn F.3 at least has the speed to move around this tier and can still carry AMRAAMS.

M8 I’ve seen two people now getting offended not because of the comment because of,

A. Someone has challenged them.
B. They didn’t like the who replied to them.

I need to find out where this is all coming from

Good luck if they are in the coastal tree. Finding matches for br 1.0 to 3.3 is not easy

the problem is that the Tornado doesn’t have the manoeuvrability to compete against things like F-16s, Mig-29s etc. plus they would only get access to early Aim-120s (A-B variants).

plus the Hawk 200 wouldn’t be bad necessarily, it could carry Asraams, All Aim-9s, AMRAAMs and Skyflashes, so even though its subsonic it would still be more competitive than what we have now or a tornado with AMRAAMS

Im kind of selfish for saying this but i kind of hope we see F-15FX and F-2 Super Kai in the future 🤣

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1-2 years maybe

Yeah both have AESA stuff

Isn’t there like 5 F-15J ?

Yeah but F-15FX would basically be a F-15E type for Japan so CAS galore lol

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Britain can get the F-18 without commonwealth ties


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I would kill for Super Kai, but F-15FX is pointless with F-15JSI entering service soon enough


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Yeah thats true i guess you have a point.

God help us

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Sweden trailed vehicles so yes we should have it now : D

On his left here, is his US wingman Lt John Kochanski. Cheyne said: ‘What a way to end an incredible 4 years with the US navy. Both of us looked down, saw the carrier and simultaneously said ‘amazing’. We work together in so many ways – but this is surely one of the coolest.”

It wasnt even a one off, he and other British pilots have been doing it since the Harriers retired to keep some sense of Fixed-wing expertise in the FAA

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