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mhm but ether way I feel like we are going to get the F/A-18 Hornet in December as so many tree could get it

We will probably see it I agree.

either that or f15 or both

IIrc it can go to US, Germany, Britain via Canada or Australia, Sweden, Japan ect

Before anyone goes mad about Germany

" German Defence Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer has told the US government that Berlin has given clearance for the Luftwaffe to acquire 45 Super Hornet and Growler aircraft."


I think the F-15 may be too good still to be honest, the F-15C would have an equivalent radar to the SHar’s BV but be the fastest plane in the game with a minimum of 8 missiles of good quality too.

if germany, germany will propably only get it at least 1 update later. No way they gonna give germany F4F ICE and the F/A 18 in one patch. F/A 18 first propably would make no sense as well, because it just is compeltly stronger then the ice

Ether way the F/A-18 will make a good stop gap for the Typhoon.

When was this, IIRC they cancelled that in favour of a specialised Eurofighter with EWS.

The article was around April 2020


“The split procurement doesn’t offer an easy answer for Germany’s requirement to field a nuclear-capable jet: in fact only the legacy F/A-18 Hornet — not the Super Hornet — was ever certified to carry the B61. For this reason, the Super Hornet will have to go through the certification process. However, Boeing said to have the US government’s support for future integration.”

was actualy to replace the tornado for the atomic warfarce capability, but germany got the f35 instead, but for obvious reasons we cant add that to the game anytime soon

i still would prefer the super hornet, the CAS capability makes it perfect for germany that needs to use the tornado currently

I mean they could get all three but yea I doubt that

I think in fact Gripen C balance for both air-to-air & air-to-surface roles, and not bad dogfight 1 circle

It will be pretty good, the low wing loading in addition to close coupled canards will help to balance out the speed bleed from the delta wing, should perform somewhat similar to how the Mig-29G performs and less like the Mig-21. Of course it will be a little different but it should be somewhere in that range.

maybe but if the Russians get the flaker all of the us player will call for it.
We have 2000s era f16 and i know time period doesn’t matter but if they skip f15 for f/a18 by the time the f15 comes out it would be mid basically

yeah but it comes to which addition benefits the most to most nations, doesnt matter if the F15 is mid in its introduction not all new additions need to be strong, hell look at the Tornado F.3 was only Mid as well and should have come way earlier and not together with gen 4 planes

Mhm same if it wasn’t in service BS reason. If a country is looking to buy them or made preparation to buy them, Or the other side offers them to them. Then they should be added in as we got loads of vehicles that wasn’t in service

Thing is an early Flanker, with the Mechanical radar and limited to R-27ER’s would be pretty balanced against an F-16 BLK-50 with AIM-120A’s.

I dunno, they’re impossible to predict so we will just have to wait and see.