Off Topic Discussion

That’s what I meant by ‘it pens the way it should’, it pens like shrapnel doesn’t exist.

yeah what is the point of pening something if there is no damage

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Daddy please

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I wonder if it’s real

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When we get to gen 5 and Gaijin is forced to add a prototype Russian aircraft cause they have no production stealth aircraft.
Then the community yells Russian bias as they’re using F-35s with lower RCSs to the prototype stealth aircraft.

EA-18 tests are real.

that’s interesting won’t be as good in the air to air but can add some nice cas

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I would (Redacted) everywhere if the Growler comes to Japan.

Funnily enough the Growler would be better at both compared to the F/A-18C, just no gun

“Prototype Russian Aircraft”
“No production stealth aircraft.”

This can be seen as the Su-57 & 75 not even existing in a meaningful manner or their RCS is so big they aren’t even considered stealth.

Felon is a Big Boi but a beautiful Big Boi

Su-57 was never meant to be a stealth aircraft anyway. Sukhoi didn’t claim it.
Sukhoi’s doing their best only being funded by India & Russia.

It’s always funny making fun of it though because propaganda always makes it out as a competitor to the F-22.

I can give it to Sukhoi though, they’re trying their best despite being in Russia.


The propaganda always seems to stem from Americans.
Like the biggest strawman fallacy.

No wonder since it’s based on F/A-18E. That’s a Hornet - Super Hornet difference.

Well yeah thats true lol I forgot for a moment since its 2001 or something like that

HESH is awesome at 7.0-9.7

when you see a Soviet type tank show only the very roof it’s easymode

Wait am I reading this correctly ?

the Gripen C is better well a close match to the Super hornet ?

it could be true.Canard deltas can sometimes do wonders


And people say these aircraft are too advance even though they have the same weapons :)

Though tbf to the SH it’s like 16K IB heavier.

The Gripen is a match heavily depending on things like loadouts.

WVR it has some advantages and some disadvantages it depends highly.