Off Topic Discussion

Nah, I don’t plan on touching the USSR tree

Why is that the case ?

If I had that line I would 🗿🗿 ive seen mixed reviews on it but its THE Meme tank of all time

I just don’t like their aircraft or tanks
Well, I do like their floatplanes and the BI, but I’m not sitting on a huge pile of cash

Shame, everyone should feel the power of bias at least once in their WT career.

No need to, I am already feeling the power of bias every day by being on the receiving end in british tanks and high tier jets

What BR are you playing in GRB ?
It seems like, by looking at British tree, that your strongest lineups are between 9.0 and 10.3, because of SA sub tree.

stuck at 8.3 currently lol

the squad tank is the best

Thats better then 7.7

I hated 7.7. The centurions just aren’t it, Conq and Caernarvon are good though

ngl I had more fun with the eland, G6, ratel and fv4202 than I am having right now

That’s because the FV4202 is where the rest of the Centurions should be starting off in terms of BR… It’s too good to go down but when you consider that it was actually meant to be an improvement on the MK.3 its br makes no sense.

Also the solid shot is not as well penning as the Soviet/German stuff at the same br and the APDS doesn’t work.

Centurions are sluggish too and they have poor armour. The reason the Caernarvon and Conqueror are so good is that they play almost the same but with significantly better guns.

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Can they buff it

I’m not really a MBT guy anyways, prefer using light tanks, SPAA and atgm carriers.
The only “MBT”, if you can even call it that, at that rank that I am using somewhat frequently is the AVRE

They could probably buff it without breaking the balance, but you would still end up having to perform surgery on enemy tanks while they can just insta-kill you with APHE

HESH the best


Yes and No, their calculator says it can’t be buffed it pen’s in the way it should.

IRL whilst the 20 and 17 pounder APDS was known for disliking angles, it also was unable to UFP a panther with APDS from more than 2000 metres which whilst technically very feasible in-game, it doesn’t like to actually happen.

Yeah as it should better pen less damage not no damage

it doesn’t need a pen buff but a damage buff