Off Topic Discussion

Because its a 9-12 lmao

Bruh, that Fleks guy

“Germany should get the F/A-18 because Japan got the F-16AJ”


swiss hunter moment

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not even close

I just can’t take his logic anymore

in that case British f14 cause they considered it


Nah we should get RNZAF F-16 as they brought it and then cancelled it at the last minute.

After all the RNZAF in reality is just an extension of the RAF :P

but tomcat in fgr2 paint

Bruh, this KhorneFlakez1337 doesn’t understand logical things)

P/s @KhorneFlakez1337 - if you want to talk about this, I’m waiting for you in PM, I’ll find time for you)

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Please watch yourself and your language, otherwise there is an old saying:

“To see straw in someone else’s eye, but not to notice the log in your own”

This would be a nice French AA for 9.3, similar to the Type 93, but with a gun (.50 i think)

Tbf to Mike Khorne’s logic is special to say the least

I mean there’s a couple of better reasons to justify F/A-18 for Germany (Swiss sub-tree for example) but adding a hypothetical Hornet just becaues they tested it is a dumb idea, especially when they have other options for these BRs/tiers.

If Swiss subTT is not for France.

You already have the help from Russia for your current top tier, you need all the major power stuff to you?

I still think the whole thing is stupid. Germany needs Switzerland more for air, which consists of 4 jets. You can’t even make a sub tree out of that. They can be added to Germany’s leftmost line with the American jets.

Meanwhile we don’t need the Vampire, F-5, or F/A-18. The only thing that makes sense is the Mirage IIIS because it would create another F.58 for Germany.

Considering gaijins plan for india was to have their stuff added to wherever needed I would consider switzerland as another nation to become a gap-filler nation rather than a sub-tree or its own thing

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Though the irony there is that they did not add anything needed with the first indian vehicle :D

I mean they use Leopards and many of their equipment would fit in Germany. The only vehicle that won’t is Mirage. France can get Belgium.

Help from Russia? Where?

I think Swiss F/A-18C could fill the future BR-gap between F-4F ICE and EF2000.

it’d be an AMRAAM bus