So in all of the air tech tress here where I’m at.
US - Got all of the props,
Germany - Got all of the props,
Russia - Got all the props until rank 3,
Britain - Got all the props until rank 4,
Japan - Got most of the props but I need to do the bomber line and need to do 6 folders and the Ki-84 Hei,
China - Got all of the props,
Italy - Got all of the props,
France - Got most of the props but I need to do line both of the fighter line and the bomber line,
Sweden - Got all of the props,
Israel - Got everything until rank 6 baring the Sa’ar.
I don’t like jets that much. So you lot understand why I want a new nation :(
For me I will just use the W S4 to bomb a base then ether kill a fighter and maybe go after some pillboxes.
That should give me around 10 to 15 RP per match
I can guess subs only gonna come for long time for GER and USA (RU/UK not so long after if not immediatly) and other nation that could bring original things gonna be put aside for a while…
I expect gajin decrease BR in Air RB of Spitfire F Mk.22 & Spitfire F Mk.24 after this month, especially Spitfire F Mk.22 performance not as much as fighter 6.0-6.3 BR in rank 4
Because it used 9.12A cockpit? Indicators and stuff were changed to English but HUD itself is another thing. You can see it’s indeed different in game too.