Off Topic Discussion

So in all of the air tech tress here where I’m at.

US - Got all of the props,
Germany - Got all of the props,
Russia - Got all the props until rank 3,
Britain - Got all the props until rank 4,
Japan - Got most of the props but I need to do the bomber line and need to do 6 folders and the Ki-84 Hei,
China - Got all of the props,
Italy - Got all of the props,
France - Got most of the props but I need to do line both of the fighter line and the bomber line,
Sweden - Got all of the props,
Israel - Got everything until rank 6 baring the Sa’ar.

I don’t like jets that much. So you lot understand why I want a new nation :(


For Britain, Japan and France if I put my mind to it I can get these done within this month.
While I can do Russia in December.

do you have the Spit MK.24?

No why ?

I spaded it a bit ago out of boredom and it’s the best Prop I’ve ever flown, it easily outperforms all jets that it meets

Ah ok fair enough

For me I will just use the W S4 to bomb a base then ether kill a fighter and maybe go after some pillboxes.
That should give me around 10 to 15 RP per match

been there done that

I just love my post war Spitfire


Need to fly it again when realshatter gets fixed again. Last time I flew it, it was in the dark days of realshitter and it left a bad taste

I can guess subs only gonna come for long time for GER and USA (RU/UK not so long after if not immediatly) and other nation that could bring original things gonna be put aside for a while…

Must show the Uboot everywhere everytime…

I played it like at thr height of Realshatter and it just onetaps everything?

after all the U-Boot warfare was the signaturre german Navy tactic in the first and second WW

I wonder what happened to this

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I expect gajin decrease BR in Air RB of Spitfire F Mk.22 & Spitfire F Mk.24 after this month, especially Spitfire F Mk.22 performance not as much as fighter 6.0-6.3 BR in rank 4

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I heavily doubt they’ll reduce the BR of the Spit MK24

it absolutely dominats all props and challenges every jet it meets, any lower of a BR and it’ll be very Over powered

it outclimbs, outspeeds and outturns every prop it meets

I think Spitfire F Mk.22 should reduce BR to 6.3 because bad fight enemy 1st gen fighter 6.7-7.0 BR from early post war era

J21RA from swedish low winrate jet fighter 6.7 BR and could reduce to 6.3

MK 22 I understand, but the MK 24 hell no

High tier tanks map suck and i already put on suggestion but still pending waiting for approval maybe got ignore already

I Have a Positive K/D with it and I think it’s the only vehicle with more than 5 matches that I have a Positive K/D with

why dies the MiG-29G stil use the 9.12A cockpit?

Because it used 9.12A cockpit? Indicators and stuff were changed to English but HUD itself is another thing. You can see it’s indeed different in game too.

It has Betty voice warnings btw.

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