Off Topic Discussion

Wait you can get actual rewards from these?


yes, once every 10 years a large daily login chest may contain sth useful

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Ancient people probably thought these were aliens


or more likely: Gods

Since when was the forums font like this?

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That’s an issue on your end.

I’ve sometiems had that font load when on other sites on mobile for a few seconds, but I’m not sure why it does that.

Yeah, back to normal now. Pretty weird though.

Holy damn, ARB is just as bad as I’ve left it months ago. First couple of minutes is reserved for climbing and slinging off ARHs, next couple of minutes are reserved for furball brawls and final couple of minutes are reserved for hunting hiding people.

I was flanking flying low and after I reached the battlefield, like 50-60% of the players were already out lol.

A similar thing happens at prop tier, but it takes more time for it to happen.

If you take the time to set up and climb, you will either end up in a situation where your team has already won, or that you’re stuck in a 5v1 because your team all died.

RB EC when gaijin.

Yeah it looks quite stupid and is far from fun, at least for me.
Also, is Mig-29SMT at 13.3 worth playing ?

Cool Sprites

Is it possible to win when 50% of your team is doing nothing but racing to bomb the bases to get free score for the event ?

I expect gajin add Royal Thai Air Force F-16A ADF with WVR AIM-9L & AIM-9M-9 and ARH AIM-120C-5 battle rating 14.0 in the first or second major update next year

AIM-120C-5 to replace AIM-120B on JAS 39 Gripen C (RTAF) in the first major update with BR up to 14.0

Just add R-73M & R-77-1 and go to 14.0

C5 replace B? no

AiM-120C5 in addition to AiM-120B maybe, like In the old days where your top fighter had Mediocre missiles to research first before the good ones come

Aye, top tier is just a completely different experience depending on what you’re playing too.

In F-15I, I can zoom up high, and just spend the majority of the match jousting with F-15E / EF’s. Actually quite fun to cycle through the the launch / notch / crank routine.

But then you hop into something that doesn’t have the flight performance to do this, or something limited to Fox-1, and it’s basically just ingesting grass on the deck, listening to Betty / Rita scream, praying multipath saves you, all whilst looking for the leftover scraps the guys in low earth orbit didn’t already bonk with an AMRAAM lol. Grim gameplay indeed.

Well, after unknown millions of SL burned over the years, these gamble-globes finally granted me my first ever vehicle, Newport News.

No interest in US naval, so completely useless to me, but still, beggars can’t be choosers i guess lol. She’ll make a fine port queen for my hangar.

Anyone else gotten anything of note?

I just know that Royal Thai Air Force Gripen C armed with AIM-120C-5, never bought AIM-120 AMRAAM early variants

20 backups 🙂


Honestly, i love the backups & RP boosters you get from these boxes.

Always nice to stock up on GE items for ‘free’ :)

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