Off Topic Discussion

I am not sure, but I think atleast one F-14 Tomcat showed up in my Dreams last night. I was also floating in a T-pose through a City and flew by occassionally flapping my Arms, also once into a Café and unnerving the guests. I even remember some white cream and strawberry cakes that smelled wonderfully. Oh, and I was singing “God, Syria and Bashar”.

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How did it end? That guy makes me wanna buy like 1000 euro setup and just do SIM.

War Thunder Forum Simulator


We were like 2 F4U-4s and cant remember the third. Maybe a mustang on Bluefor.

He and another guy was flying Ta 152.

As a group, we managed to down him a few times but 1 on 1 he tended to wipe us. He did play “dirty” - like I disengaged after saving a friendly and was RTB and he bnz’d me from the clouds as I was alone. Now, that’s more than justified tho lol (especially given my kills on his wingman were all third partying while they were focused on killing my own friendly.)

Also, you don’t need an expensive set-up for sim. I fly with M&KB and have a lot of fun usually. Usually: my team communicates so I dont repeatedly dive a captured Bf109 thinking it’s an enemy, or I’m not alone as a fighter versus the enemy team as my team is full of bombers (only seems to be an issue with korean jets though).

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Can confirm.

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That looks a lot like the Visby.


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yes and no in a way

the mast is somewhat similar, and stealth ships tend to have angles everywhere
appart from that though, i’d say they are quite different (especially in the front)

Yeah, mainly the inverted bow is the most obvious difference.

I used to complain about the viggen, but:


the greeks need to paint some eyes near that bow X)


goold old ways strike back

I saw mattawgs vid about the f117 being a squadron vehicle, like what’s the percent chance it’s coming this update

I highly doubt gaijin is adding stealth aircraft, but honestly, because of map size stealth would be null.


around 0-1%

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Chat I have a crazy story

So I just went to let my dogs out, they got done with their business, came back inside the garage, I walked in (it’s pitch black) stepped on a Asian hornet (this guy is the size of 2 of my thumbs) he didn’t sting me some how, I screamed, my Chesapeake bay retriever saw, lunged at it, bit it like 16 times, yelped, went in again to bite it like another 10 times, yelps again, goes in (it’s been like 10 second’s at this point) I get Jax (my chessy) away from it, now his younger brother (stitch) an aussie wants to join the fun and I’m holding on to jax(96 pounds) stitch (60 pounds) and these to are acting like this hornet owes it money and was talking crap.

Anyways I put those 2 inside, the hornet starts flying at me, I grab a baseball bat(it was closest to me), thank god I hit it in the first swing, it’s on the ground, now it looks like i dropped a 500ib trailer hitch on the cement.

Anyways im giving Jax some meds now.

Hope he doesn’t have to go to the vet…

Anyways that’s enough bugs for today.


57mm on the visby 🤤

no way this would be a squadron vehicle.

Leak list currently has it as squadron. So :shrug: