Off Topic Discussion

It is an official website, but you can call them and explain to them what you want to do and how you want to give them your ideas and they will probably connect you with someone

I think UK has a website where you can directly talk to the defense ministry people

Maybe, I’m AF. As I heard you can do this but idk.

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you have absolutely no idea how phased antennas work do you?

that flat AESA antenna isn’t one antenna it’s for example 1500 antennas (in the case of CAPTOR-E)

if you put a whole second set of radar next to it they’ll either blind each other or require exponentially more computing power and that still won’t solve the main issues with phased antennas because the cone of beams from each antenna doesn’t work as it does in single parabolic antenna based mechanically oscillating radars

the range of a non moving Phased array antenna is significantly impacted by the angle of the scanning beam in relation to the array
APG-68 is a classic Parabolic antenna radar, APG-80 and APG-83 use phased arrays


critical or severe? doesn’t matter … brought it home ^^


I only need the slightest hole in my plane now and I just drop out of the sky.

Its amazing how War Thunder defend CAS and telling us how its a combined arms game yet they keep nerfing CAS to the point of destruction.

Well done anyway

I was lucky. I lost the wingtips in level flight so I was able to control the extreme long turns with the ruder. A bit too sharp turn and things like this are over.

Been lucky with japanese too ^^

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I am on console and the default controls are horrendous with some basic moves impossible.I can fly better in real life than on the console. : ) That’s not saying much

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Do you have a pilot’s licence or have you had the opportunity to try it?
My mum once gave me a flight in a Robin DR200 as a present. One hour with a flight instructor and hundreds of hours of Flight Simulator 2000.
The pilot let me fly straight into the climb right after take-off and I was allowed to fly all alone including the entire final approach until shortly before landing. I was so exhausted afterwards because I hadn’t expected the instructor to let me do all that.
At the end, the instructor said that, apart from the landing, I was absolutely within the scope of an exam flight.
One of my best experiences with an aeroplane. Then came the flight with the Ju-52 D-AQUI, which is now in the museum.


Jesus … just went through my collection of photos. Duxford 2015! What a ride …

Seeing all those wonderful planes of WW2 together peacefully in the sky.


Much the same as yourself.Enough to know that I cant do a loop in a warthunder plane the same way I would in reality. We flew chipmunks back in the day Air Cadets and did all the basic stunts, loops ,stall turns ,rolls etc

Duxford is great ,I worked there a couple of times and seeing all those P51s etc lined up on the runway as the sun was coming up in the morning was amazing,I took some good photos.They had the biggest collection of WW2 planes flying since WW2 a couple years ago.

Slightly off topic in the off topic discussion but Bovington Tank Museum is amazing as well.

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Tell me more about your work in Duxford, if you like.

I did some stewarding work for a friend who had a security company of ex service personnel,I just fancied a free airshow to be honest and Duxford is a good one as you know.

I ran the premium stand right on the runway for photographers so we were right at the front as the things like the B17 came past a few feet away. We stayed overnight and walked up and down the runway as the sun was coming up,long before anybody else came in and it was surreal ,just like being in an old war movie,all the stuff lined up on the runway. German,British USA all sorts. I did take a load of great photos but not sure if I still have them.

I was at Fairford in 1993 when the Mig 29s collided and have a brilliant photo of them hitting each other(if you can describe such a photo as brilliant). I have no scanner so not sure how I could post that one but its an amazing photo.

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After your descriptions, I’m really positively envious. Except for the Fairford incident … right after Ramstein, one of the images that comes to my mind too often when I visit airshows.
My heart still bleeds when I think of last year when the P-63 collided with the B-17 in America.

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It is sad ,crashes at airshow are all to common.We had the incident where the Hawker Hunter crashed into the motorway not long ago.Maybe that is pilots pushing aircraft that are so old too far.

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Yes, I had seen the video with the Hawker. It was 8 years ago now. 11 dead … dozens injured … the pilot survived. However that was possible with the impact and inferno of flames.

Wow lol

Happy Feeling Good GIF

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I mean you could always take a photo with your phone.

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