Off Topic Discussion

6 should be enough for grb

don’t be so harsh on the guy from what i seen he just want a better thermal pod


Yeah, we need gen 3 pods accross the board

The upgraded B52 have Rolls Royce time to claim

My thoughts exactly.

gib sniper

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Yeah, or even just TIALD 500. Crazy the Gr7 has gen 1 at 11.7. especially being a subsonic

Did Gr7 mounted 500?

See. this is why I have a dislike of the “parts” argument.

Indeed and this reminds me of another argument. “Manufacturer” companies like money. So if one nation pays X company to do X upgrades/modifications it should be the nation that paid for it to happen vehicle, not the nation that said the company is in vehicle.

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They were slated to be for Jaguar Gr3a, tornado Gr4 and Harrier Gr7/9 (I think)

CL-52. Canada can get you one.

Canadair taped the Avro Arrows: Orenda Iroquois engine to the side of it.

As far as I could find was unarmed but we could just C&P the US armament to it. (minus the tail turret)



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oh wait the CL-52 is a B-42 not a B-52 my bad.

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Based upon this source

Sorry, I wrong but might be new aircraft toptier 11.7 BR to early rank 8 equivalent or close to Harrier GR.7

I guess A-6E SWIP higher 11.7 BR (12.0 or 12.3) and AV-8B Night Attack would be 11.7 BR

I guess F-16C Block 50 (USAF), AMX A-11, JH-7A, AV-8B+ (ITA) and F-16D Block 40 Barak could getr GPS/INS guidance munitions

I expect F-16C Block 50, SAAF JAS39C Gripen and AMX A-11B change to 3rd generation targeting pod and add 3rd T-pod on MiG-29SMT (9-19) in first major update & second major update this year

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GPS weapons would be cool on a lot of stuff.


they would work the exact same as laser guided ones

Yeah, except Jaguars were retired in 2007 and it states them Tornado Gr4 was also retired In 2019. So I have no idea why it states that.

Except F&F. In ASB it would be handy

i wonder how im not perma chat banned, but maybe war thunder losers have a thicker skin than expected