Off Topic Discussion

nah KF51 will be tech tree with Pz 87-140 event vehicle for germany

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just happy the 130mm versions are now confirmed for germany, since hungary ordered their own modified version with 120mm cannon

I find it funny that it’s only ever the British dominions that can never go into the same tree they must be split between all the tech trees and when asked for or stuff to stick together others will fight and tell you no.

to be fair, might have sth to do with Uk being the only one with multiple “dominions”, the USSR tree normaly describes their split nations as well, even if everyone considers them the russian tree


@Morvran , so i was told the guy is a delusional freeabo, demands panther 2 and leo 2av for the US, but cant accept other (that need them) ask for US vehicles


Trialled vehicles are always gonna be weird i can see the leo 2AV if their was a need for it in the tree but their isn’t and Germany already has it

Considering they were asking for a vehicle on parts only I can see that.

Yeah, they all seem like that

“No this US vehicle can’t go to other nations, even those that have semi sub trees that used them”

“But can we get this vehicle or weapon system that we never used though”

I’m waiting for them to ask for METEOR

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For 2 years 6 months gaijin not add new attack aircraft for USA tech tree, and currently USA none attack aircraft toptier at rank VIII it’s Harrier GR.7 equivalent. I hope gaijin not forget this

I expect this year gaijin consider new Air-to-Ground armament GPS/INS guidance munitions and add on 4 aircraft at rank 8 with new machanic GPS

That will only happen when its AMRAAM vs Meteor

You have the F14B and F16C which both out performing the Harrier Gr7 in A2G. Gr7 is pointless to even consider at the moment. tornado Gr1 is a lot better…Gr7 needs some buffs in ground attack like MAWS and Gen 2 or 3 Tpod

You forgot about A6E

Exactly. Also waiting for them to ask for Brimstone

Like so the Skink is an American vehicle because they built parts for it.

So does that mean the F-35 is a Canadian vehicle because Canada builds part for it?

Gaijin should limit the amount

Rolls Royce and BAE systems enters the chat

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I could accept that for now. Or at least capped In GRB. No need to cap in ARB or ASB.

Would be fun on the Tornado Gr4

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but what is a good amount lol? 3 / 6 etc

If we trace the parts hard enough we might see some parts or materials originated from Africa or china

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2 hard points, so 6 would be reasonable. Maybe 3 on the Tornado with a hard requirement for Tpod on the 4th belly mount