Off Topic Discussion

ehhhhhh, that one was never build either

That’s funny i don’t remember doing that…

What’s funnier is that I never specifically mentioned you…

Did the airframe exist? Yes.
Was the upgrade carried out in some capacity? (Yes btw).
What was the only thing left to turn a service Alpha Jet into ICE? Mav Bs.

Yak-141 btw.

Well then it’s irrelevant? I never said that why are you talking about it

It is very relevant though? It’s how people acted before, and they still act today. You pretending that our presumption on where Swiss will end in based on vehicle similarity, and gap filling (it’s kinda obvious, and a significantly better alternative to them ending up in BLX’s TT) is on the other hand irrelevant, so is yours getting defensive cus you thought I was talking about you there.

@MiseryIndex556 F-16AJ never existed not even trialed, your argument is literaly non existent, he isnt asking for a vehicle that the UK didnt fly, he is asking for one of a country that is closely related to the UKand not in the game, go with the times old man.
The F/A 18 is designed by US yes, but its about user states here and a canadian f/A 18 can be put in the uk tree


Quackers lol

well thats what happens, gajin is bad with sharing plans we result in thinking about solutions , thats what happens if they got a ducking bad release plan


Plus if it’s the base CF-18(pre-upgrades) it’s literally a C&P vehicle(bar visual changes) AKA the US already has it with the normal F/A-18A.

literally it’s ok for the US and Russia to be ahead of everyone else but not the UK

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Yeah, thats what I dont get

“F-16C and Mig-29SMT/G vs Tornado F3 is a fair fight”

“F-15C and Su-27 vs Typhoon is hugely unfair and we will never consider it”


If we ever get to the point of addition of F-4E Peace Icarus I wonder where will it end up

I do too, it could be equally justified for US and Germany

maybe Italy for being close to greece but idk

either way it’s premium/Event potential if anything

Definitely not Italy. They have 0 connections to Greece. (they also have Turkish vehicles soo)

I think justification for the turkish Starfighter could be that it’s an italian mod

that would then place the F4E Peace Icarus in the geeman tree again

Honestly I think it should come as a squadron/event/pack vehicle for Germany in the future. The only connection to US is the fact that it’s based on F-4E. But then US also has 2 Greek camos for its F-4E already so idk what Gaijin’s plans are.

idk if they even have plans for that

would still be nice to see the very best modification for the Phantom no matter where it goes

@Smin1080p to be fair, i tried taking the discussion here but the guy ignored it

Two wrongs don’t make a right. It should be taken to PM or stopped. Please do not just carry on.

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