Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Sadly as previously mentioned, some nations used multiple aircraft types in the same periods as others used just one. Sweden and Britain have since received competitive fighters that are currently some of the best in the game.


Anyway shower time : D

as long as germany will get sth to skip the time between DOA F4F-ICE and Eurofighter typhoon, i will be happy because you make it sound like that will be desperately needed

Hopefully with more than 60 countermeasures…

what about some more needed additions like Japanese CAS at the br’s of 2.7 untill 11.0

hey I still want that DOA Phantom

unless we get the greek one too this would be the Best phantom ever


why should one thing hinder the other?

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So what was wrong with the Mig 29A then as that too was the best aircraft for it’s time but then a couple of months later they get the SMT.

@Smin1080p Why haven’t we gotten the T-1 and other related strike aircrafts for Japan?

that’s the main selling point kf F4F ICE and the Greek F4Es

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Yes, The Gripen A for both was nice (Not the C yet, im guessing we might actually get the C in March) . But the point still remains.

The reason why no Typhoon is because its a leap ahead of all other nations. And yet the same consideration wasnt given for 2 minor nations in the face of Gen 4s like the F-16 and Mig-29.

Prototype Typhoons would not be the same kind of leap ahead. Now im not saying next update. but by June? I think the Typhoons would be a small step ahead, no more than 0.3 BR to what other nations have.

What I dont get is this? Why must Minor nations always be second to get the “next big upgrade” why couldnt Britian, Germany, France (Rafale) , and Italy (maybe even Sweden with the Gripen E) come first. Instead of after the US and USSR.

Just seems unfair we always have to face the uptiers. and as you said, we have fewer options, give us something good and something we want first and then you can spend the next year adding other stuff to the other nations. All the while, the minor nations arent DOA


Well, because Gaijin tends to only give one minor nation something wanted per update.

its a german one, it will be a small wonder if it gets aim 9m /I(L) , iris-t propably is a no even if nerfed a good bit because of lack of HMD. No guided armament either, etc etc. Not mentioning everyone else will be using gen 4 air planes while germany is stuck with a gen 3 one

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yes guided armarment

2 AGM-65 it ain’t much but it’s something

More than the first 2 Typhoons would have :D and more than either the Sea Harrier FA2 or Tornado F3 AOP

without targeting pod at 12.7-13.0 and its the old agm 65s

ik ik, the whole thing is outdated

however it could carry 2 MiG-21 ECM pods if you believe the F4F thread

would require gajin to add ecm in the first place

why? the flares are still useful

and it would look funny

Werent those the SPS-141 pods that were used on like the Su-22M4? Pretty sure it was the variant without countermeasure-dispensers