Off Topic Discussion

Nice, i wish i had the time and will to grind again, then i would be in simmilar spot.

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You’re gonna have a hard time without any top tier experience there buddy /s

Have fun with the jet and go for New Boosters as soon as you can. HMS is nasty, tho radar isn’t too good for BVR. Speed bleed is terrible too so keep that in mind.


Yea imagine, 0 battles in USRR TT, straight to Su27. 0 experience in late props and early jets. A prime example of GE player. Will probably have spaded plane in first match.

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Funny enough thats true i prefer more modern stuff

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Gets outclimbed in Su27 by Fw190 due to skill issue

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Should’ve sideclimbed

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Should have angled and loaded stealth belts

French hater is a strong term, I prefer English ty

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D’accord, je vais m’améliorer.
I wonder how painfull this google translation is to native speakers.

Idk man, last time i checked Gripen had it worse. 1200 to 300 kph in 180 turn. And all this because i ripped both my wings in 17g turn. Not having wings do causes your plane to bleed speed very fast during turns.

Literally unplayable

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More details here

Sorry, that was the mendatory daily dose of submarine advertisement


is there any civilian version of this?

I am very annoyed that I haven’t seen my saber hog or the Aussie saber in game

Gajin forgot and lazy add F-86 Sabre with AIM-9B from USAF in USA tech tree for a long time 😔

Unsure Canadian Sabre add to Canadian independent tree or sub tree for british

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Considering they have a sub-tree and have denied the air side of that sub tree a Canadian sub tree for UK is impossible or that’s how Smin has made it out.

So if we want the Canadair Sabers under the Canadian flag a Canadian tree is needed.

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Gajin forgot F-86 Sabre with AIM-9B from USAF in USA tech tree for a long time and lazy

I might want gajin considered addition fighter aircraft 7.0 ~ 8.0 from USN, another F-89 Scorpion in regular tech tree and another F8F Bearcat & F4U Corsair better F4U-4B & F8F-1B

Uhhh- what dose that have to do about me answering about the Canadian Sabers?

I’m well aware things are missing but that wasn’t the section of the post I answered.

I’m not sure Canada maybe sub tree for british tech tree or own tree with Australia & New Zealand sub-tree

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Britain already has a sub-tree

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