Off Topic Discussion

There is a great leopard 1 skin on the market at least


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There’s literally nothing in the files apart from a flag.
Same thing can be said for Yugoslavia and Switzerland, but instead we get broken MBTs and jets way too fast

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it’s ugly :(

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Indeed there is some cool vehicle to add there ^^


I like it. But belgian skins in chest are really rare for some reason. I think there is a m41 skin aswell. Greece has like 10 times the skins in the market

There is an ancient Yugoslav Fury in the files as well as the Slovenian M-55S, though nothing seems to be happening with these.

we dun even have nuffin.

I’d rather have nothing than seeing a NATO MBT in the files for USSR

I’d rather have nothing than have just enough to be there but not enough to be Belgian.
For example:
The Cockerill XC-8 turret
“oh yeah that swedish premium turret”
The CT-CV 105HP turret
“oh that finnish event thing”
Those FN 13.2 mm machine guns (great guns btw)
“ah yes the swedish 13.2s”
worst of all is having that in sweden

from grinding russia i can tell you their APDS doesn’t shatter and is good

My thermometer is currently reading -30.9°C … outside. It’s warmer in my freezer xD

Do bushes (decorations) still fall off when hit? I haven’t seen it happen in a while.

They do but I think their HP were increased or something

I wanna see GPS/INS guidance munitions with mechanic GPS guidance for aviation rank 8 in Q1 or Q2 this year

Another new video of this amazing channel !


Nice try French propagandist, but you missed one crucial point that gave off the whole thing as well made CGI. The flag on the carrier is not white. Good luck next time.
Joke aside a beautiful video.


Guys Trainz have peaked


More like about these stupid “joke” than the vid, tell a lot about this community.



Welp, true. I think it has to do with my comment being, more or less, original, while the video is not made by you. Or French haters, thats also a option.

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