Off Topic Discussion

I think its safe to say the Gripen is the best jet in game

The UK at least gets their moment to shine that they’ve been asking for.
But that also means that Sweden will just be dominating the air as well as the ground this patch.

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Russia will be able to deal with it as always
But a goo aircraft for UK is nice

Oh? Su 27s payload doesnt overpower it?

Well… it would if it could get the chance

As much as I adore the Gripen it may have been too early

Nah its just a f16 with lot more CM

Japan also has the Type 89 and Type 16.
France doesn’t have a light past 8.7 in the tech tree. The VBCI-2 is a premium at at 9.7, which is mid in the majority of situations it’s in.

The Type 10 is working with 8 Gears vs the Leclercs 10, it’s using longer gear ratios and the acceleration suffers as a result on top of having lower p/w. It’s probably slower than the Challenger 2E I just don’t have the latter spaded yet.

Acceleration is by far the more important metric at top tier, otherwise the T-72B3 would be “slow” at 60kp/h top speed when it reality the thing is a rocket (going forwards at least).

The penetration difference is negligible due to penetration thresholds at top tier, you’re aiming for the same spots. I don’t the the 4 sec reload is worth the sacrifice everywhere else vs the top MBTs. Biggest selling point over the Leclerc would be the Laser Warning Systems.

armour is bad on both, better numbers on the type 10 vs the top rounds but the coverage is awful, huge gaps around the turret ring and even the cheek composite can let through autocannon rounds.

I mean you say that and say the same for Italy anyway. As for the F-15J it doesn’t have anything other than dumb bombs and the F-16AJ not having a targeting pod puts it behind pretty much every other contempory. The AH-64DJP doesn’t even have a Laser Warning System or MAWS, how is that better than the Tiger? Good luck using those 16 Hellfires.

I can agree with that, but that’s just variety; France is better off as a whole.

Uhm no its not its WAY better

ill see when i get it

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Oh my God it still seems like you have no idea what you’re talking about…

The Leclerc doesn’t have LWS

The Type 10 has slightly worse gears but outside of the S1 the HP/T is slightly worse. So they balance out more then you’d expect, not everything is a sprint on a road. The Type 10 having slightly worse mobility is negligible.
Otherwise Japan still has a better variety for ground with the Type 89 and Type 16.

The AH-64D is by no means a perfect aircraft, but most of the time hill humping in between shots means as long as you don’t tunnel vision you have a helicopter that has a lot of endurance. Meanwhile the Tiger has half the load for a slightly more situationally flexible aircraft. The Spikes just made it actually worth using.
The F-16AJ is still competent as well without a targeting pod. The F-15J can still carpet bomb an entire grid zone with it’s dumb bombs and computer.
Which again, sure they aren’t the 2000-5F but they aren’t bad by any metric.

The Leclerc is still very much still a lol-pen for most things as the mantlet is massive and the fuel tank is an easy target.

The Freccia and Centauro 120 add more to Italy then you seem to expect. Sure the Ariete isn’t a perfect tank but it’s not exactly an unusable one. It’s got a good HP/T still and DM53 carry it through most engagements.
Plus since it actually has LWS the Ariete can actually avoid getting more more often then not.

Be quiet you garlic chomping clown you don’t even have Rank VII

Massive braincell loss
If it means anything I play on a friend’s account when I’m not grinding my own account. France is pretty much not worth grinding outside of top tier air.
I can research rank VII whenever I want but have no desire to since I know what it’s like.

Buying premium tanks =/= having top tier

So you don’t have an argument?
My guy coming up with entire essays in his head just to try and invalidate me at this point

That’s not what I said, I said it’s a positive of the Type 10 over the Leclerc.

It’s not “slightly” worse, it’s noticeably worse.

Everything not being a road sprint was something I already pointed out with acceleration being far more important.

Flavour sure, but they’re very bad options. Type 93 APFSDS is very long in tooth at this point and the Type 89s ATGMs are almost unusable in most War Thunder ranges due to them not launching as much as falling out of the launcher.

They’re much worse than the competition, that makes them bad.

The same is true for the Type 10, the entire floor is a fuel tank and you want more than 15 rounds of ammo that means hull stowage

Perfect? It’s not even good. The Arietes are closer to actively griefing your own team than perfect.

They don’t even have a top tier SPAA either

LWS is more useful for Helicopters more than anything else.

Implying you do.

then why are you replying

This is just going in circles.

Japan at least has the Type 89 and Type 16. Missiles in general are pretty bad as well. Somehow only Russia and Sweden have usable missiles.
Which again, saying as if the Type 10 has a worse mobility doesn’t mean it’s unplayable. It can still get around to where it needs to go. They both are considered among the more mobile MBTs.

Restating that the Ariete isn’t a good tank is also going nowhere. It’s got good HP/T and DM53.
Italy has the Freccia and Centauro 120. Now they’re asking for the Centauro 2 and Leopard 2A7HU.

SPAA is probably the only area that I’ll admit that France is doing the best in outside of the USSR and China. The ITO is perfectly fine at countering most that it encounters.

Both nations having LWS means that they’re actually situationally aware more then the Leclerc. Which France only has the Leclerc. LWS has saved me a good amount of times already as well against tanks, especially at long ranges.

This is bringing you absolutely no where and just makes me want to write you off as an idiot more.

What does this even mean?
I’ve played the Leclerc’s alongside the Type 10s.
It’s a perfectly fine tank in comparison, it can also use buffs along with the Leclerc which I’m not arguing against.

This is giving me a headache and I don’t want to stay here for hours.
Can we just agree to disagree instead of slowly insulting each other more and more?