The Type 10s are not among the most mobile MBTs, that’s the point. People are just assuming it is because of the Type 90. It’s much slower than the BVM, Leo 2 and ZTZ99A.
I’m having to restate things because you’re ignoring it. “not unplayable” is not a compliment, and I don’t see how this makes Italy on par with France which is the crux of the issue here.
k? The Freccia/Cent aren’t as good as having actual MBTs (and an SPAA) at top tier though
I have anterograde amnesia due to an injury in my youth. Every day I learn to live again in many things.
Every day I learn how to shoot planes in this game again. It’s so exciting. hehe.
Young man, write down in your smartphone what is in which bag. This will not correct the fleeting nature of life, but there will be less wasted food. hehe.
During the liberation war of bangladesh my father once witnessed a M24 chaffee get hit by a T-55’s shell. He said the round went through the whole tank and it landed a kilometer away. It made two huge holes in the chaffee.
Man, I know I just spent 30 bucks in GE today because the snail gave me a Personal 30% Discount on the chinese WMA Wheelie boi but I am really tempted with the Clickbait. It would be a good Addition to the Squadron AIMbrams and perhaps also the KVT. But I also really want that Soviet Matilda. But 200 GJN? This is honestly a vehicle I would rather grind or buy for a fair price during a Rerun Event.
I know I posted a similar comment with sad AI whales before, but such Things keep bugging my mind.