Off Topic Discussion

Pretty much everyone but russian ground mains and japanese air mains needs calming rn.

That they’re getting another Leopard and the J39A which will be pretty close to identical with the SAAF J37C?

Would the C even be any better than the A with the current loadout limitations?

yea the JAS39 “A”

with 9M and skyflash which it never used

the cockpit of the C

and the Guided bombs only found on the C

definetly a Gripen A yes

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from what it looks like both are Cs just the swedish one is misspelled

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Escargot “balance” at it’s best.
Probably so people won’t complain that it doesn’t have an accurate load out, so they give a fictional one to the A.

If anything a Gripen A with Skyflashes is slightly less fictional than a C with Skyflashes or Sparrows

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why tf does Strv. 122B+ have Gen 1 thermals

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Because it’s very cold in sweden, so they don’t need good thermals


The Situation just gives me a headache.
It feels like the Swedish player base has gotten spoiled if they’re complaining this much about it.

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can I not complain about 1980s thermals on my current Prototype?

It’s not like Sweden needed the 122B+ in the first place. Sweden was leading the meta more then it should have been. If Thermals is the only thing it’s missing compared to the 2A7Vs still barely functional armor, you’re much better off then you realize.

It was wired for AIM-9L tho so using the Mike isn’t limited. RB71 was advertised as possible armament for JAS39A variant. Rest you said is accurate.

For A2G it should only have RB75, m/70 and m/71 iirc.

idc im a pilot, im still concerned why they believe this thing should get 40 year old thermals when the russian tanks from the time get modern ones

The dev server only just launched today, I am pretty sure there are plenty of bugs and errors

and that would’ve been fine for an A

Oh boy tell me about it.

Yeah ik. Perfect for 11.7/12.0 with AIM-9L only instead of AIM-9M.

So, the J39A that sounds like it’s closer to the C is a problem.
But the perfectly functional tank that is only missing better generation thermals is also just as big of a problem?

the problem isn’t that we got it the problem js that they can literally change nothing and call it C

Im not crying here im just confused about their choices