Off Topic Discussion

again I do not at all care about tanks

it’s just the only new vehicle I can test drive rn

Again, the plane that is somewhere between the J39A and C is a problem only because of it’s name.
Then the 122B+ which you both have no plan on using and is only a problem because of the thermal sight.

You should be happy with what you’re getting and not the technicalities behind them. Everyone else except Russia has a much greater reason to complain.
Because Sweden will still be as strong as it was in the current meta as it will be in the new one.

There is a topic of adding Washington, D.C. as a map on the Russian forms.

I got to see what else I can find even if I’m just using Google translate.

This can only mean one thing…


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Doesn’t look too different from ours.
CF-18 for UK
Skink for the US
KF-14 for Germany

just odd suggestions and the fact there suggestions seem to auto close after some time.

Wow, I’ve found people talking about how badly the UK is treated in-game over there. Interesting place but Uh— Google translate is dying on me so I’m going to stop there.

what did you eat today?anything special?

I will scream if we get skink instead of the 6 .50s chaffee

Not even worth trying

Just enjoy the salt

The only difference between the A and C other then the guided bombs is a RWR and HMD
So the difference between the f4j and f4s but performance should be the same
So not alot
I think they are saving the Swedish Gripen C for AMRAAMS

RWR difference is quite significant tho. Iirc it doesn’t get launch warnings on the A variant and has limited lock angles.

Yeah ive seen the Gripen A rwr is quite bad in the dev
If they wanted to save the C for AMRAAMS do a early
Actually that wouldn’t work as the Gripen C went on to use IRIS-T

C also mounted RB74 in service

I don’t know Swedish missile designations what is that

AIM-9L missile

Ok but if instof the A the did a C early and a C late
The late one would be werid as it wont have IRIS-T

They can do:

  • JAS39A with AIM-9L at 11.7

  • JAS39C early with only AIM-9M at 12.0

  • JAS39C late with AIM-9M and AIM-120B at 12.7

Each variant will introduce different engines and other avionics of course.

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I see that could of been a better alternative

For the two guys curious on how the Canadian air tree I’m working on is going. I’ve been able to give it 5 lines

And one that note the licensed built stuff have been giving me hell. Especially the Jets as their American counterparts aren’t in game.

Also other odd things well looking for information on the Canadian built Sea Hurricane, I somehow ended up on a thread about the F-35.

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Trying to actually get some progress into the Italian air tree and i am again let wondering why somebody thinks the F-104S being 11.0 and fighting exclusively F-16s and mig-29s is fair…

and i am definitely sure the 104ASA wont be much better eugh…

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