Off Topic Discussion

I just don’t get why they had to based the first Thomas film in F’ing America.

Like why

This is the best scene of all kinds of media containing a train


WTF is even that !


But yea F-14 or F-16 people ?

  • F-14
  • F-16
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obviously harrier

The U.S. keeps getting super jets almost every updates, so where’s the option for none of them?

I got you.

finally i have a good top tier jet

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Bruh, F-5C

For lovers of planes (specially Rafales here), scenery and clouds, the French navy has a youtube channel with chef kiss videos.


Chef, not chief… Kiss the chief and you’ll end up in trouble.


Anyway i’m happy, radar HMD confirmed for Mirage 2000-5F (dunno when), and tomorrow it should get up to 256 CM, 4 times it’s actual CM amount.


This motive me to finish my grind (i’m stuck at Mirage IIIC with some older plane needed to unlock on some lines), perhaps gonna take the F1C200 but i’m scared to be toasted.

that game i died slowly

Honestly its that thing where accessibility = enjoyment. I also play DCS but I prefer War Thunder because I don’t have to memorize a manual to fly a plane, but DCS does certain things (like AI) way better.

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Honestly get rid of early/late and just bring back block numbers like the P-51s. I want my F-14A-75 or F/A-18A-15 or something. Early and Late just look so low effort

Early and Late makes it easier for them to get away with fantasy loadouts, so that might stay

Doesn’t make me dislike it any less


Vickers Vancouver is where it’s at.