Off Topic Discussion

Well certainly those rather niche ideas shouldn’t replace F-15FX or F-2SK.
It’s mostly an interesting thought.
F-14A wouldn’t be as nice as the AJ we have currently tho.

Ideally we get a proper replacement for F-16AJ to make everyone both happy and slightly upset.
F-16OCU from Thailand for a Thai sub tree remains my bet for replacement. Same loadouts, + GBUs, just a slightly different airframe.

But yea ngl I think this thread was a very good idea as we can vent off anything that is on our minds without being told off.

im curious if gaijin even has plans for a sub tree to Japan

Yea remodel the AJ into the Thailand F-16 seem a based idea

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But yea at least I can post train pic now

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we are back on the rails

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I mean, if they don’t have plans for one I would be very interested to see what their alternative plan for japan is. I mean, hell, they don’t even have a strike plane past rank I.

F-14G (Marineflieger)


f14 for all

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the problem i see is controversy so far at least thailand seems to have the least amount of controversy but even then there is some.

I’m calling it likely, and I’m calling Thailand as the primary option.
Largely because Thailand has a suggestion on the forums, and SK is the other.
Thailand offers more total, just not a top tank.
SK offers a top tank with less total.
Then again, my hypothesis that Gaijin will just give SHARD to every 120mm gun at higher tank BRs that don’t have domestic rounds DM73 or M829A3/4 is entirely plausible for Type 10, and its hardkill APS prototype.

200w (1)

Jokes on you, we’re in an off-topic thread, we physically can’t derail.

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That scene is one of the best in the movie.

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Nah you know what is the best scene for a railway movie ?

@StormRyder13 it’s this XD


Thomas and the tragic failroad :P

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