Off Topic Discussion

EF Typhoon Japan edition would be better than F-16AJ, but I know for a fact that its BR would also be 13.0+. A good option to go alongside F-15J MSIP & F-2A tho.

They got along just fine with loads of projects, just the ones that would have helped us in this game fell apart

So many good things get killed by falling out or overestimation only to have to buy a thing to do said role for 10x the price.

as far as i can tell the Jaguar program went a lot smoother than Panavia/Tornado

I wasn’t being serious btw XD Typhoons do not belong in Japan

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They don’t wanted something carrier capable, that was one of the biggest problem for a coop project.

In that case the Tornado and the Harrier can be good gap filler for attackers

You wanna turn the japan air tech tree into 99% fantasy, eh?

give every tech tree a tornado so they won’t use it

It’s the dev rules not mine

The only rules that are actually written down would go against that

Think of the skins tho!
AAM-3, 4, and 5 fired from Typhoon… MMMMM.

You’re making too much sense. I’m scared.

They’re all as real as Sweden’s T-80U & AHS.
Or any domestically made prototype trialed in every tech tree from T26 to Object 775 to Vickers Mk7.

They said that the reason the AJ was added was to fill some holes in the Japanese tree and so they can have something in the mean time.

Now that Japan hasn’t got anything in terms of an attacker beyond 8.7 until the F-15J

The harrier can fill 9 and the Tornados a 10 :)

true but if japan does get more proposals (hopefully not) i rather see platforms that make more sense such as the F-2 super kai or F-15FX



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and i we that logic and replace it with the uk so f14 to uk but will gimped cause it will only have skyflashes

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Mate, if they wanted to fill those gaps with something like that, they would have done so already.
They obviously are looking for a better solution, which is most likely going to be a sub-tree

Mahahahahah ( Evil laugh)

also it feels so weird talking like this and not saying “sorry for offtopic” XD


That’s why we created it so we don’t have to feel sorry

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