So the best bet would be to distribute Swiss vehicles to whatever nations in need and have some links with.
the only vehicle that had nothing to with germany to my knowledge is the JaPz.K A2 , others were co designed by germany, that being said they propably should change the flag of that one
so france and germany like we said
Switzerland would be better off independently.
Switzerland can go either way. We can only state our opinion on where it best could go.
I personally think that a tech tree that nations like Germany or France can pull from is the least offensive solution.
I find sharing opinions enjoyable, makes me thankful that the forums are a thing.
Adding Swiss products to France and Germany wouldn’t be so offensive, but it would be quite a waste from what I think is a potent nation that could work very well on it’s own.
To me it’s like if Italy didn’t get added independently and would instead have it’s vehicles scattered around, it’d be a huge waste.
yes exactly, they have enough Domestic designs and Modifications to have their own tree, definitely equal to Sweden and Israel
maybe, but it just isnt sustainable, if we go with the switz standalone tree, it would be years in the future. It by far is none of the more intresting options. Additionaly at that point we might god knows how many trees, making new vehicles more and more work. It just is more sustainable to add switz vehicles shared into other trees
But again how many nation can we add to a nation before it looses it’s identity ?
ask that sweden, it already has norway, finland, supposedly denmark, its nickname it the better germany, for all purposes its already losts its own identity
At this point we should rename some country, like Sweden → Scandinavia…
Ah yes the Finland card. You do know Sweden was already planned to be a home for Scandinavian countries right ?
At the release of the air tree we had a Finnish CBT premium. When the release of the ground tree we had a Finnish SPAA.
Norway is slowly growing but not enough to be a threat
if there is no norway sweden stops getting relevant tanks all together lol
Sweden only really has Finland.
Denmark isn’t present in the Swedish tree to my knowledge and Norway only has a single tank there. For all we know we could see Danish and Norwegian stuff in other trees too.
Two the 1A5 and the VIDAR
Ah, thank you for correcting me.
My point still stands though, as Norway isn’t formally a sub-tree and thus we cannot say with 100% certainty that it is going to be largely integrated into Sweden.
Yeah the writing is basically on the wall, but it’s still good to keep in mind.
well still stands that sweden lost its own identity already with 2 nations being called the better germany
Didn’t help the both Sweden and Finland brought better leopards the Germany has(or is it now had?).
It hasn’t lost it’s identity the only country that comes close to that atm is Italy with Hungary.
With Hungary having it own, German and soviet stuff.
Just because it’s a leopard Sweden is going to use in it own army doesn’t mean it’s lost it’s own identity.
Better Germany in top tier only.
Are we really going to ignore the rest of the trees again?
Sweden has not lost it’s identity because Finland by far doesn’t have as many vehicles in the tree as Sweden does. Sweden is still dominant in it’s own tree.
Sure, it is unfortunate that Finland was added with major copy/paste issues rather than seeing a bunch of unique stuff from the start, but this doesn’t dominate Sweden in the slightest.