Comrade, I simply gave France as an example. Quit taking offense over such a minor thing…
I don’t take it badly or offense, I’m absolutely not angry ^^ I just want to understand what makes you say that France has copypaste, i’m totally curious there.
Seriously, I discuss it as calmly as possible, no nerves or anything, sorry if I give the impression.
(Excluding premiums) big chunk of the second fighter line, a big chunk of the attacker line, one (arguably two) bombers, substantial parts of rank II and III ground, M26 and (arguably) ItO 90M.
One could say H-34 as well.
I’m hoping France gets the Seafire XV so Britain can get it
So mainly in the ww2 era, I thought you were talking in the modern era, that’s why i was really curious.
Well, you should know that even for ww2, there are still more French vehicles, ground and air, that can be added.
As for the H34, believe me, I’m the first to hate this chopper. Several nations start out with a French starter and we end up with one of the worst starters, which even the USA don’t have to deal with, even though it comes from them. Believe me, I’d like to put our own Allouette II as a starter heli, and completely retire that horribly flying bus ^^. Btw our own allouette still use MG34 while never used it IRL (French MG pods), and the H34 can hold 4 or even 6 SS11 missiles, not just 2 like now, sad copypast indeed, not even the best they could be.
As for the Ito, we’re saddened by this choice too, but we have several homemade choices, which have at least set foot in France, that could replace it.

I’ve even see vehicle with more than 6 ready to fire VT-1 missile that we worked on, but can’t found them right now
I would totaly vote for removing every copy past and giving proper French counterpart.
Agreed, I’d prefer if Gaijin invested more into domestic French stuff.
The main point was about copy paste being common though and that it shouldn’t scare people off so much from accepting new nations.
Now do Italy )))
Some copy past could be needed when there is nothing to add, but even there i find that sad indeed.
Like all the new F-16s, i find that sad, countries should be the most original possible and i’m still strongly against copy pasta. What is the point to grind X country, if you would find Y and X top plane in another one ?
They are lucky, they got reworked skins for MBTs !
France use the wrongly copy pasted German CARC camo for years while it never used it IRL and use it’s own more beautiful camo :p
Also for now they have better navy and light/IFV at top tier than France, you see they are not bad everywhere :p
Indeed it’s also a country that need more love.
That’s mainly an issue for top tier, not for the rest of potential trees.
It is simply a biproduct of the homogenization of armed forces in the world that has been going on since the Cold War.
I’d be willing to sacrifice the uniqueness of top tier if it means the rest is fun, which for a few nations in air is still possible and which is also possible for quite a large amount of nations in ground.
Well, let me always reject the idea as an ostentatious main.
For years we were mocked for being “nothing” without the US, nothing but a “USA tech tree 2”, and that if we wanted more vehicles, we should “go back in time and make our country build more”.
Now the roles are reversed, who’s laughing when Germany, for example, would be nothing (not meta at least) in the air top tier without Russian aircraft ?
Yep, I’m holding a little grudge :p
What terrifies me enormously about these copiespasta is that Gaijin has long loved giving French tech to other nations (sometimes the most played ones that don’t need it), without giving it to France, or REALLY late. (little example: German and US Roland use a French tracking radar, but the French Roland don’t have it, and is bugged at 35 or 40° max of elevation, bugreported for years)
And while we’re at a time when France can really stand out and be meta without the help of other nations, my nightmare remains to see Mirage 2000s, or later Rafales, or modern ground vehicle/tech arrive in TTs that have nothing to do with them, except some subTT link.
The thing is, France is sadly under-played (some of Gaijin’s choices don’t help either…), and if you put the little bit of its charm (remember, the best Frenchmade oscillating turret is still only in the German TT for more than 2 years, while the German TT never needed that (7.3 lineup at that time was already powerfull enough) on other nations that are already more played, it’s just killing the desire and motivation for a lot of people to play France.
That’s why I don’t like the idea of subTTs at first, and why i can be overprotecting.
I’m just pissed that after 11 years of this game we haven’t seen a single Belgian vehicle, apart from maybe two turrets that everyone thinks of as Swedish anyway.
Even glorious Lithuania gets something before us
Ehh not realy, mostly boring proposal missing crucial components
That i understand
There is a great leopard 1 skin on the market at least
There’s literally nothing in the files apart from a flag.
Same thing can be said for Yugoslavia and Switzerland, but instead we get broken MBTs and jets way too fast
it’s ugly :(
I like it. But belgian skins in chest are really rare for some reason. I think there is a m41 skin aswell. Greece has like 10 times the skins in the market
There is an ancient Yugoslav Fury in the files as well as the Slovenian M-55S, though nothing seems to be happening with these.