Off Topic Discussion


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4 more planes till i can research the SU27
2,870,000 sl before it

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Glad you’ll finally get some top tier experience

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Nah im clearly only grinding props

Canuck posting.

Fun Fact there are 6 CF-100 Variants that qualify for War Thunder(out of 11…?)

  • Mk 3A/B
  • Mk 4A/B
  • Mk 5
  • Mk. 5M

Why do I think the “A” and "B"s count as different vehicles well they have different engines and I feel like that is a big enough change to count them as different vehicles.

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French: -Hey Gaijin, can you correct Leclercs ? They are totally powercreeped and so far from what they could be…
Gaijin: -No, the stats are good, it’s one of the best MBTs in fact !

Germans: -Hey Gaijin, our PSO is a sideway leo2A5 !
Gaijin: - Oh poor little one, i promise you more leoS in the future ! Here take this 2a7 with spall liner!

French: -Hey Gaijin, our AZUR is a sideway Leclerc S2 !
Gaijin : lol, don’t care.

USA: Hey Gaijin, we should have spall liner !
Gaijin: mmh… Not sure… But here, take 5s reload time !

French: Hey Gaijin, we should have spall liner !
Gaijin: lol, don’t care.


Do you talk about anything other than France?

Yes, i can talk about Belgium stuff for France if you want :))

Not that it should go there but you do you.
I’m starting to get those negative stereotypes now.

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He is French main its all he is going to talk about like how most I’m going to talk about is the UK
What is the issue


Haven’t noticed a British bias for you.
Never said there’s an issue either, just I wondered if there’s literally anything else of interest.

That’s funny i’m not sure if you are saying that to the more numerous US/GER/RU/UK which generally make a lot more noise.

Not so much as I’ve seen you talking about France if I’m being honest.

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good god no
as a last resort in 5 years maybe

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Let’s say 3 years and deal.

i am British Bias


Well in all honesty i’m not as hostile as i used to be towards the idea of a Belgian subtree to France, it’s just that France already has 5 lines in ground and has a lot of their own vehicles to add. Not to mention the forbidden Benelux tree is a better solution anyway


I know, i’m not saying at all we need subTT.

Even for planes we could put another homemade 5th line with a navy plane line, wich i would like (and would even be “needed” for now and the future.

Just saying we still have more possibility to add even from other country with wich we have links. But they would probably better enter our TT as individual vehicle, and not a subTT, or even a Benelux TT, even if i’m not sure it would be a cool idea since it would take some copy pasta from some country.

Like that won’t be a given for any future nations, it already is for current ones, including major players like France.

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What do you mean ? I don’t understand your sentence