Off Topic Discussion

Whynis the t72 morderna 166 something quid

I have no idea

Was looking at it cause it has 20 or 30 mm i can’t remember so i thought i might get and look at the price like how

seems you’re not the only one looking for a 20mm on a tank

Yeah are there any other tanks that have 20mm added on in game

Look at my Silicone


That’s some nice silicone you got there

much cheaper than Nvidia Silicone


Make your own gpu bro


sadly too low quality

this is chemically pure 99.9% which is enough to make fancy alloys

for Semiconductors we’d need 99.999999% or better

did you buy it or did you find it laying on the ground?

it was given to me by the Melt master at the Alluminium Foundry

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hey I got taught Real English and not the American accent and Im sticking with it


Now the real question is how you say it

You mean French-English. Since Britain spoke French for hundreds of years they incorporated French aspects into their new English.
& USA removed much of the French parts incorporated into English cause we’re based.



Molten Alluminium has a very nice colour

We didn’t speak french but norman which then mixed with the native saxon and parts of latin from the romans and over many years made Modern day English
American English was made to make it less like British upper class English by changing spelling


We removed a lot of tomfoolery from the language, tho some stuck.
Eatery is a simplified word for the French-derived word restaurant.
Getting rid of “U” wherever possible as well.
After all, are you really pronouncing it “col-o-ur” anymore? Or are you pronouncing it the American way?