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ASA and ADV are fun

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mhm tbhwy I just want the tree to be completed so I can ether move on to another one or do the Hungarian line

I can’t delete it ooops but here have a GNR K1 assisting a failed C1 at Mickleover :P


Just stocked up! ZTZ-96A and A-5C. Close to done with the USSR tree (T-90A, T-72B3, T-80U and BVM, Pantsir-S1 is all that is left). Time to start grinding out the Chinese tree!

USSR and Russia are not at the same scale. But Russia has maintained it’s heavy industry and for it’s population size is doing quite well. They still shut off the lights at UVZ every night, and they’re going to have another 1,500 manufactured (that means produced, not refurbished) T-90M’s next year.

Labor agreements with North Korea will send east Asian factory workers to Russia for the second time in the last 100 years, as both Korean and Chinese laborers filled Russian factories in WW2. Say all you want, North Korean laborers are quite skilled, and will complement Russia as they continue to bolster their industry.

lol I’m sure the rumor roundup thread and yourself will survive my 2 posts complaining about wishlisting for a Gripen in the UK tree.

Playing the A-5C to grind 104A/104G/F-5A
This tier is just not fun to play, even with something as unserious as Matra Magics on a MiG-19 at 10.0

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Tbh I don’t see any SAAF aircraft nether mind the Gripen to be in the tree as they stated back in May last year they will be event and premiums and yet we haven’t seen one

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What would you suggest for the UK tree then?

And the A5C is still very powerful at 10.0.

Cf-18 is the only option imho since we have the ADATS.


Unfortunately: Patence, Tornado F.3 can still get AMRAAM and ASRAAM. Game just isn’t quite there for the Eurofighter, same with China and the J-10.

A-5C is insane for 10.0
The teams, not so much, mostly Su-25s and things arguing over which bases to bomb

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So what you’re saying is that instead of being lazy, we get to increase defense spending to absurd levels?

Can’t wait to see what the U.S will come up with in 5 years. France will take a bit longer, especially with how incompetent Germany’s defense is.

ill post this here as well this is from a mod

Well thats good news then its still a possibility then just maybe not next update unfortunately

it is only from a suggestion mod though so not 100%

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Oh yeah for sure but it still means it could be possible

I’m taking my bitter medicine like a champ. Su-25K spoiled me. This and J-7D (which I won’t buy for a while) don’t have a single all aspect? WTF?

ZTZ-96A is amazing, I like it better than the TURMS.

Personally, I expect gajin consider Multirole fighter aircraft toptier it’s close F-16C Block 50 (USAF), MiG-29SMT (9-19R) and Mirage 2000-5F at 12.7 BR in rank 8 fir great britain tech tree next month because currently UK lack Multirole fighter

And I hope gajin consider add guidance GPS Air-to-Ground munitions for aircraft rank 8 in december this year

Man im dying out of laughter.

No way already??

Ik ik it is hour old, but i checked it just now. This community is something else

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