Off Topic Discussion

To me it looks kinda heavily modified but idk

Asking for one single leopard that fills a very specific gap. I’m not asking for a whole list of modern German equipment.

Maybe France could have had the Cockerill Léopard, while Germany got the AMX-30 Super.

But considering everything that has happened between the SK, DF, and F.58, I would like to get it right the first time rather then fighting with each other after the fact. If only Germany gets the Mirage IIIS it will just be more of the same thing.

besides that i did read that the armor is actualy only a mockup, because it never realy went into production, so it wont be an addition propably in the first place, since it never truly existed

oof then

That’s one thing that I’ve seen as well. It seems like RUAG is wanting to distance themselves from the Mid Life Upgrade because they took down any information for it.

If it was just a mock up then it’s definitely a big hit.

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the sign from the museum where the actual tank is standing


is the south African heil any good

always funny to see german mains wanting their hands on as many minor nations as possible to bloat their already big tree
not to mention they literally don’t have room for a subtree, they already have 5 lines (so does france)

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It is good. Definitely worth the money for 50%

well its a pack so ill have to wait

thats absolutly no problem anymore, gajin can add new trees in the stil of blue water and coastel fleet as example. As a very hard example, i do not say this should happen, they could add a polish tree to germany and give it a whole new page, just like with naval you could do combined line ups, this has the benefit of the polish tree getting the support of a fully developed german tree, we wouldnt get any problems trough the lack of light tanks or spaas, which is the biggest problem at top tier for japan , israel currently the lack of support vehicles.
And with the new heli research mechanic in the same way we could choose where the research points should go towards, the research of poland or the german tree

Honestly that kind of stile would be the best way moving forward in my opinion, but everyone has a different view

tell that UK with south africa tree and indian vehicles that wouldnt have been necesary, USSR which gets vehicles from multiple nations. China has pretty much a sub tree with taiwan as well. UK and russia wouldnt need those vehicles they have plenty of vehicles on their own.

Besides those are so minor they just wouldnt make a good standalone tree, rather should you should be happy, since we are talking about the possibility of the switzerland “sub tree” it would free up netherlands and potentialy open the possibility for your bad benelux tree as horrific as that one is

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Many people seems to forget that

You talk as if it was something common (when it’s not). And it’s not like that at all. We just want the gap-fillers (mainly for top tier air) for Germany and just because many tanks would fit pretty well to the tt aswell doesn’t mean we want every possible addition.

I’ve asked Smin if SA air can be added this way and he said the British tree is represented enough not to have this.

that’s great because they said they had no plans to do that

you mean one vehicle from one nation?

taiwan is china. switzerland is not germany

you know i’d love to hear actual arguments for once and not just “it’s bad”

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Btw why is British Jag like this:

I’m pretty sure it’s the only plane in game with left sided statcard.

there’s a spitfire and fw 190 like that too

Well if yall cant get SA I guess Canada is all the more likely hopefully

tanks from slovakia, czetchian, syrian etc etc

plans can always change

never said it was

still allows it to get abrams in the future as well

90% copy paste at high tier /top tier the only unique additions are the cockatrill turrets which i repeatly named as a great addition

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apart from the one czechoslovakian vehicle, they are all premium/event. it doesn’t count

the only copy paste there are the leopard 2s. that’s it.
it’s a real shame you choose not to educate yourself on the matter, because then you would be able to complain about the real issue which is rank 2-3, not top tier