Oct 2024 balance change feedback

Almost like I haven’t played arcade in years. Ground RB is my most played gamemode, just like it is yours. Which is the winrate I took.

Although I did take your last month winrate, which is only 47-48% compared to your overall 54%.

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They are very similar vehicles with equally similar mobility the fact that you don’t want to admit it is your problem. Everyone here wonders, why for your shortcomings you have to punish an entire nation?

By now it is obvious to everyone that you do not want to acknowledge that you are wrong… Since you refuse to admit that there are vehicles with better firepower, but at lower BR ‘Sturer Emil’, or ‘8.8 cm Flak 37 Sfl.’ vehicle extremely similar to the Breda, but with more crew members, if this vehicle is at BR 4.0 then the Breda must be at BR 4.3 this fact is undeniable.

Great way of not admitting you are wrong… Anyone with a brain knows that having 8 crew members will help in the survival of the vehicle… Especially since 1 of the crew will be inside the vehicle next to the driver protected from explosions and machine guns. giving him a better chance of survival…

Always aiming at those few pixels where you can penetrate the armour, a tanker with brains will never expose his weak points… So yes, my argument holds, the only ones complaining are those who wander around the map thinking they are invincible.

So… You are still wrong, because if you were referring to me here, I still have a higher percentage of 50%… At least when you criticise someone, be objective…

buddy the leopard has 23 hp/t vs the 18 of the amx, they dont have the same mobility the leopard is way more mobile, not to mention the reverse speed.

the sturer emil has arguably worse fire power due to de awfully long reload, the flak has esencially the same fire power but with a much worse mobility.

again it doesnt change much, this tank biggest threats are the he rounds, which will keep killing you even if you have more crew members

the entire lfp of those tanks is far from a few pixels… it isnt really hard to kill or disable a t72 with this gun, this sounds like an skill issue to me.

Once again you omit information and only add the information that suits you… Since you mentioned hp/t, why don’t we also talk about vehicle mass affecting mobility? If you are going to write everything down you might as well consider the vehicle in its entirety.

  • AMX 13 only 14.5 tonnes
  • Leopard 40/70 instead 35.5 tons

As you can see the Leopard is heavier the mobility of these 2 vehicles is similar…

Moreover… Just because the reverse speed is different in your opinion is it right to increase a vehicle by 1 whole BR? Despite being similar in everything except the turret which is literally weaker than the leopard???

Dude, in my opinion you hate the leopard 40/70 and like to see it nerfed to the ground…

Once again you don’t want to admit you are wrong… My reasons are clear I already wrote them above, reread them, this convesation is becoming a loop.
I will repeat it another time then pasta if the Flak is at BR 4.0 the Breda must be at BR 4.3… this fact is undeniable.

Again… Instead Yes, since you are able to survive a machine-gun fire. Keep denying evidence you’re only making yourself look bad…

Smart players only show you the turret, not the lower part of the tank, plus they move around and if you have to hit them at long distances it becomes almost impossible to hit them especially since the turret has very few pixels of weak points…

you keep having a much better engine… the mobility of the leopard is simply better, it has much better acceleration.

the breda is much better than the flak, this is a fact.

smart players shoot at the gun breach if you can only see the enemy turret… btw dont even try to teach me how to play a vehicle where i have over 3kd while you have 0.8.

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The leopard chassis is much more mobile and better than the AMX-13, and top speed isn’t everything. The jumbo and the Centurions have similar top speeds, but the jumbo is way more mobile than the centurions.

I love the Merkava’s 5 second reload rate, but I wish the armor was better.

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I was objective. Your overall winrate is 54% while your last month winrate is only 48% (you can check this in game), which is the number I took.

The 2S38 fires four times as fast and has a continuous belt of 148 rounds as opposed to only 16 ready rounds on the VCC-80/60

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again im comparing the spall of the rounds not the tanks, as he argued that it had a worse spall than a 30mm.

So, as I said, you were wrong, since you used outdated data and not recent data. It is nice to see that there are people who criticise, but are not at all objective with the reality in front of them. Do you want to retract what you said?

I guess not… the usual arrogance

Blah, blah, blah, that’s your speech…

And from here you can see that you did not even read what I wrote:

Also, from here you can see that you didn’t even read what I wrote, I never said that they must have the same BR, but they are very similar vehicles… If Flak stands at BR 4.0 then Breda must stand at BR 4.3 and an undeniable fact… But since you insist that the Breda must stand at BR 5.0, then it is obvious that you are also fine with the Flak standing at BR 4.7.

As I have already said the convesation is becoming a loop, re-read what I have already written, unlike you I am not going to rewrite the same argument a hundred times, as to why you are in the wrong.

I think your definition of outdated is a bit interesting, seeing as this is the data from the last month on your statcard.

The thing is that you dont seem to understand how important mobility is in this game, just by itself you can justfify the 1.0 br gap, but seen that you have only ever played italy it is not a surprise that you completely overlook that, a 0.3 br difference between the flak and the breda is ridicously low.

XD what next? you’re gonna complain the F-84F is OP? You gonna complain P-51D-5 is OP?

Lol truly pathetic

are we pretending kv1s are overtiered

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The A-10C is not bad in WT.

Kv1 might not be but the rest of the soviet heavy tanks are, not to mention that they gave sweden a mass produced vehicle as a premium thats not even present in the ussr tree

Unfortunately for you the correct data is this:

Thank you for proving me right… You have shown yourself to be the usual arrogant player who doesn’t want to admit his mistakes…

I bet you would have taken data from 2 or 3 years ago to prove your totally wrong and twisted point of view…

Dude I’ll teach you how to do it: Start by apologising and admitting that you are simply wrong… You would have looked better … I’m just saying