Oct 2024 balance change feedback

The T-69 IIG has nearly twice the pen on its dart round compared to 3BM25 and also gets access to a HE-VT shell


A2 could pen K5, At longer ranges it was never guaranteed. But for wt with how close we are it should cut through, the army came out with A3 because at longer ranges they needed a round that would pen 10 out of 10 times. A2 Not as good against K5 at range.

(Responding like how we did in the official thread)

B-29 (in ARB): 7.0 → 6.0/6.3

There’s no flight-performance reason this thing should ever be higher than 6.3. Adjust the tons needed per base and move all of the prop bombers down in BR, too (with Tu-4 at 6.7, the B-29 at 6.0/6.3, and then move down from there).

Blame the formula gaijin uses when it comes to A2 not having as much pen the same can be said for all Dart rounds currently at toptier, if they used more realistic values then even 3bm60 would be penning 700mm flat and 400mm on 60°

Maybe I overexaggerated about 12.7, I just think HMD IFF is that overpowered and brain dead

Still, in accurate im aware gaijin’s formula on pen is wrong. There’s real data out there from not just the US that shows pen and spall and rough estimates. (OFC not exact because ✨classified✨)

Its good, but if other aircraft also start getting it, even if its just in the HUD. Which i think is the case for a fair few. Then its just average. No more OP than the Su-25T/Su-39 being hte only aircraft in game with passive IRCM.

But all the other limitations of the A-10C dont really put it that far and above its contemporaries in my opinion.

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They wouldn’t use them even if they were unclassified the formula exists to keep toptier at least somewhat balanced between shell pen and armour if they did use real values then the Ariete and Type 10 would unironically be some of the best tanks at toptier because of their mobility and guns since armour would pretty much not exist

most older rounds for the US would be pushing 600 and 700, for example m774 had 580 but in game abt 460, this would fs move it up in br, the m1 would suffer a bit. m829a1 had abt 750 with a2 being even more OFC this wont come makes sense for, balancing…

How interesting is that only Russia does have luxury to prevent Cas at top tier while Nato becomes helpless against SU25SM3 due to not having long range Spaa’s, nice double policy you got there.


Add M833 APFSDS from AGS

Decrease battle rating or stay 11.7

Pantsir-S1 up to 12.0 it’s fine

For me, Pantsir-SM only battle rating 12.7

Ive never once said NATO shouldn’t receive better SPAA but i get it you’re an eternal crybaby go on run back to your abrams thread crying
Also another thing you always fail to mention how NATO has Better CAS than russia you do know how absurdly good TGPs are and how great having more than 4x standoff range munitions is


interesting Lyn, so its fair when russia and germany Lulpen abrams from any range and angle.
but not fair when they can do it back?

I mean thats the literal definition of fair/balanced, but no point in talking to someone like you about that.

Also even a T90M would fall to the M829A3 pretty easily.

Not to mention you just said that M829A2 can UFP any tank then went off to list all the russian T series tanks it actually CANT pen.
but now you admit that yeah those tanks do infact stop it “cuz its meant to”…
So which is it?
your bias is blatantly showing and your lies/preferences are obvious.

and ingame you cant pen K5 even point blank with A2


Typical insults from Lyn, when your intelligence becomes insufficent you decide to use brute force, i suggest try different methods.

Btw im still waiting your 2.5+ K/D ratio promise for M1A2’s but i highly doubt you can achieve that.

Kh38MT’s outaccelerate and outranges eveyrthing while Russian aircrafts doesnt have to deal with Pantsirs, Russia is practically better than Nato so you can cope harder.


thats a rich lie coming from the side that basically has the russian equivalent of fire and forget SLAMs, and Glide bombs. Not to mention how much better the KAs and Vickers are than the apachie and Hellfire Ks.

the LGBs the US has are useless cuz they cant get near the battlefield to drop them due to Oppressive Super AA systems. and mavs are extremely slow, few in number, and have trash pen relative to the pen they should actually have.

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Hes trying to start something just dont encourage it.

That guy is always like that, him and other famous toxic players always invades Abrams or other similiar threads and behaves quite toxic towards other people that doesnt agree with them nor shares similiar opinion.

He’s not worthy at all.

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Russia cant lolpen the abrams from any angle what are you on about the turret is still impenetrable

Do you have an ounce of reading comprehension i was saying that A3 can lolpen any soviet UFP and specified soviet UFPs because they have the thickest armour at toptier UFP wise so if you spent more than 5s you’d realise im also saying that A3 would lolpen literally everyones UFP please dont post on the english forum if you cant understand basic english

Actually the Martel outranges the KH38MT not that it matters because again no SPAA can reliably kill manoeuvring targets beyond 10km and guess what the mav has 20km max range

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gotta love one side calling the other insults while complaining about being insulted like which one are you gonna be? the victim or the abuser?