Oct 2024 balance change feedback

You should read what the other user said.

Again, no1 said it’s bad. M18 isn’t bad either, but if you die to one 90% of the time it’s your fault. Same for the A-10C. If you’re within firing range of an A-10C then that’s entirely your fault.

So what do you do when its 1v1 or 1v3 and you’re in a flareless jet and there are A-10s on the enemy team?

  1. No1 forces you to use shitty overtiered planes
  2. Just because you meet overtiered planes doesn’t mean your BR should go up
  3. A flareless jet is just as fukt against an A-10A or Harrier as it is agaisnt an A-10C. They’re at lower BRs where they face more flareless planes and even then they’re not overpowered.

We pretending every jet that is flareless that faces A-10s are overtiered instead that the A-10 is undertiered?

??? Overtiered?

Oh I see. I am talking about both A-10s separately. You are only talking about the C.

it’s good to make BR changes but France has lost one of this only advantage (5S reloading) but what would be good is to receive better ammunition because currently has more than 1.5KM penetrated Russian, German and Israeli armor is very difficult frontally

Let’s try to keep it on topic and not insult others, Thanks o/

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Have to agree in that the A-10C didn’t need to go up. Or any of the strike aircraft (A-10As and Su-25/K). The likelihood of seeing one was rare and not enough to justify moving them up. And yet in those rare instances you did, you just need to not head on them. The maps you get at that BR are big enough you don’t always have to go low, and left. Especially when you’re in a fighter that can sit far more comfortably at 10k-25k feet.

They did the Aim9M is so strong at the BR it was at.

I know they did. I’m agreeing with the others I’ve seen in here saying it should not have been moved up. Or at least give it the forward spawns it’s been missing since the A-10As were moved up

Hello, as previously mentioned, the whole staff team looks over flags, not just one moderator, if you feel a comment is inappropriate flag it and forum staff will look at it.

Go play any flareless jets at the BR, especially subsonic ones, and get back to me

Go try flying anywhere else besides low and left, maybe go try climbing to 15,000 feet, anything besides a head on and then you get back to me. Works for me.

I say this as someone who realizes they are not the top 0.1% on this game, but I implore you to look into the stats of people you say this shit to before you say it. I’m clearly not lemming running into A-10s. That doesn’t mean I think it’s fine for the A-10 to get free kills on anything flareless because its too low of a BR firing AIM-9Ls at Korean era jets from 1952.

Oh and yeah let me climb in my jet thats made for sea level which also doesn’t have any effective way to prevent radar missile locks or dodge top down attacks because I’m in a 1952 jet.

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But the issue is they aren’t out curb-stopping every single match. They’re quite easy to kill if you do literally anything other than fly directly at it. Gaijin themselves admitted, during that particular BR change feedback, that the A-10As and Su-25/Ks were already performing quite bad at their then BR. Which is why they didn’t want to move them up initially. Seeing them get downtiered was rare. But the temper tantrum was had and Gaijin moved them up with the statement that they would get a forward spawn as well to keep them viable. Yet they haven’t been given it

They should go back down if they aren’t going to get the forward spawn. That was part of the change. But struggling against a brick with wings can really only be summed up as a textbook definition of skill issue.

Until it isn’t


Just FYI, I still killed these A-10s. Guess what? It was purely down to luck that I could do that beyond that I attacked when a teammate was invested already. It doesn’t make the encounter fair that even my T-2 is food if they just notice me coming.

As long as you push these balance changes by one stat (how much each vehiecle do RP) people will not take you seriously.
You cant have same planes/tanks in diffrent nations in different BR…thats just lazy, amateurish and insulting…
there is like 20 guys in this Dicord that clould setup BR ranks much better than whole team of Gaijin.
Try to do BR based on technology and overall stats, not how many kills that vehicle is doing or how mych RP…common, stop punishing your players and supporters…

I mean…whether you won by an inch or mile, you still won. Choosing an example where you defeat not one but multiple A-10s proves my point. Luck, skill, doesn’t matter. You beat them. Moving them up was an asinine move.

I want you to peek my stats and tell me if I’m the average player.

Buddy I’m not going to look at your stats. Gaijin has the data and they’re the ones who made the statement it has a very low efficiency. Which seems like a weird way to say “it doesn’t perform well”. I’m no pro either. But it doesn’t make sense to move a plane up to a more difficult BR when it’s already doing poorly at it’s current (well previous BR at this point) position.