Oct 2024 balance change feedback

Tell me, do you read somewhere T72??? Put on your glasses or go to an ophthalmologist you need them.🤣

I have only proved a point to you, which is moreover correct since the turret is usually the one with the most armour.

I guess you trolls are bothered by the truth lol

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As a reminder please keep it civil, do not put down / insult other users, and please take any personal quarrels to PMs. Thank you.


gun of a German 75mm (3.0-3.7 BR) in terms of pen, just with high explosive filler.*

Is a 3.7 cannon, with literally zero armor, worth 5.0 when you could play a heavily armored Panther prototype at the same battle rating?

Other nations at least get composite armor when the vehicle uses composite armor, even if the protection values are incorrect.

Lmao, you have played very little with italy your K/R are high because you have done very few battles in some vehicles you have not exceeded 10 battles… People who judge without ever having played a country seriously are the most hypocritical people you can meet.

Thank you, you have proven that you are just a hypocrite LMAO🤣

The Breda is a vehicle with tyres that struggles to go fast in the terrain, not to mention that if it is in snow or mud it will never reach its full speed, to make the most of its mobility you have to stay on the road.

The whole Italian community cares but you no, because you hate the vehicle, once again you have proved nothing

Despite the fact that they got the armour thickness wrong on the leclerc, abrams, or Merkava, none of the nations you mentioned have the same serious problems with armour that Italian Aries has, everyone recognises that Aries is the baddest MBT in the game, moreover they don’t get destroyed by a 2nd world war vehicle with a 20mm machine gun. Ariete really needs help because increasing his BR is madness unless they fix his armour.

Speak for yourself

it is pretty much a german 88 with higher tnt equivalent, it is much better than the 75mm.

pretty sure that the biggets complains on the ariete’s armor are also about the protection values… like the turret protection or the values for the war and pso kits which is no different as the other nations, and maybe the model of the ufp.

Well those literally are the games that i need to ace the tank, i gain nothing from playing 900 games on tier 1 vehicles against level 10 players, that’s called seal clubbing, it is quite hilarious that you claim that i havent play italy when i literally ace nearly every vehicle that i own in the italian tt

buddy the flak also has the same downsides on as the wheeled vehicles as it is a half tracked vehicles
btw it can easily get at 60km/h even outside of roads, the flak cant get anywhere even close to this.

they bear the same importance, dont try to downplay other nations troubles just because youre an italian main, all this nations where also affected by the br increases, again nothing of this is exclusive to italy.

Btw some of the problems of the ariete cannot be soveld even after they fix the armor, as the weak lfp and armorless sides are still there, so you should turn down your spectations, also no 20mm from the ww2 can penetrate the ariete from the front, you can kill them from the sides but again a lot of mbts can also be killed from the sides with ww2 20mm, so you can drop with this hyperbole.

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You quoted the wrong post. No1 called A-10C bad

It’s really good in air RB. However it should be a free snack for every self respecting Pantsir player though.

It doesn’t have a round with 211mm of pen, nor does it have a round higher than 152mm of pen.

That’s true, but at least the other nations get to have the correct type of armor. Gaijin doesn’t even want to fix the Ariete in game for some reason having only spaced armor in the hull.

LMAO, You’re the one who came here shouting that you’re strong but then it turns out you’ve only played 10 games with most Italian vehicles… I had the same win percentages, if not higher when I was in the same position as you…

Before you judge a player by his k/r you should play at least 400 games as a minimum…

My max games with one of the Italian vehicles is over 800 games, while your max games with one of the Italian vehicles stops at 100 and most vehicles are less than 10 games. I have literally 8 times your experience on the country Italy, avoid teaching me you just make me laugh. My experience is 8 times yours if not much more in some vehicles.

Your argument as always makes no sense, you are comparing a tank destroyer with the AA … At least I have compared a tank destroyer (Breda) with a tank destroyer (8.8 Flack) … Not to mention the fact that any AA can wipe out the Breda very easily, as the entire crew is uncovered… The Breda should not be at Br 5.0… As I said before when it was at BR 4.3 it was a glass gun now and only glass, there is no point in denying this fact.

Not to mention the fact that to get to 60km/h you will surely have exploited a descent and at least 500m of retilinear stretch, why didn’t you say that? Once again you only say things that suit you.

Everyone knows that the Breda doesn’t even come close to doing battle as you have to make a lot of bends or climb a hill and we all know that Gaijin has nerfed the wheeled vehicles when they have to climb a hill compared to the crawlers which don’t have the same problems as the wheeled ones.

I’d say you’re grasping at straws here to prove to me that the Breda goes fast uphill… Ah yes, any wheeled vehicle goes fast in the backstretch, what a novelty! Here everyone knew it, now try to see if you can get to the same speed by taking a bunch of curves or going up a hill… Ah yeah you can’t.

You continue to deny the fact that Aries is MBT weakest in the game… All the other players disagree with you.

Not to mention the fact that my argument still stands that 20mm machine guns have far more weaknesses to exploit on Aries than any MBT… and MBTs that can be destroyed by a 20mm are almost non-existent so avoid saying there are many… Do everyone a favour and give up your hyperpole

I wonder why this post of mine was blacked out despite the fact that I did not insult any players directly, is what I wrote relevant to the conversation

But hasn’t this post where Nowel_ calls me demented been blacked out… or that the person who wrote this post hasn’t been banned from the forum?

I wonder what happened to the moderators, they hide my posts, but not the posts that actually insult people

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So first you use the excuse of low number of battles and stock grind as a reason for your bad stats in the M113A1 TOW, but now you are suddenly really good when your tanks were stock?

I doubt it, since most of your tanks you do good in are below BR 2.7.

Hello, remember to keep it civil in these discussion posts, DO NOT, put down / insult other members, and keep the post on topic. Thank you.

Bloody hell! I can tell you haven’t understood anything… I worse you are doing it on purpose to antagonize me, say more the latter, given how you have behaved so far I would say the latter…

It’s Nowel_ who used the excuse of the high win percentage number shouting it out, but it’s obvious that he should have kept his mouth shut, if you do less than 10 games it’s obvious that the win percentage is very high… moreover the more games you do the more the percentage struggles to be high, but it balances out towards about 50%, as the developers want.

It’s a bit like bragging that your win percentage is 100% because you only made 1 match in that vehicle and won it… Which makes no sense… When I started the game I too, like many players had high win percentages because they had done few games.

And since we’re discussing experience here then it’s also a case of counting the amount of games you’ve played… It’s simple logic.

Since you mixed the 2 speeches and brought up the speech I had with you with the M113A1 TOW… Also, since you insist now I’ll show you my formation, this is my formation:

I’ve been playing like this for over a month now to complete unlocking all the modifications of these 3 vehicles… these days I’m focusing on M113A1 TOW and AB 205… In these months of playing I’m not interested in winning the game, just having fun and getting these vehicles to ace, if not I would use a full formation with 5 vehicles to have a better chance of winning the game and not just 3 vehicles like I’m doing now… 2 days ago I managed to get ace on AB 205 which is a great achievement in my opinion…

When I manage to get the full Italian tech tree and get all the vehicles to elite units, then I will switch to another nation’s tech tree and only play that one until completion is the way I enjoy playing and from what I know, it is against forum rules to criticise a player’s way of playing.

You are free to think wrongly… but I feel sorry for you the truth differs with your thinking.

Also you still haven’t admitted that you used outdated data to criticise me despite the evidence being irrefutable…

Why would I lie and say that I used outdated data. You are the one using your overall winrate and K/D, which includes all the sealclubbing you did below BR 3.0, which means that data is both inflated and outdated.

Meanwhile I took the data that is based only on the matches you played in the last 30 days. Hell it even updates yesterday, showing you performed even worse these last couple of days in terms of K/D.

You can continue to cope all you want, I won’t lie to make you feel better about yourself. You are just another average player that inflated their stats by sealclubbing below 3.0.

I didnt quote the wrong post. If the A-10C is far from bad than it doesn’t make you “bad” to die to one, especially when both have overperforming missiles for the BR