Oct 2024 balance change feedback

It hasnt since CAS was added to F16’s, and most SPAA hasnt been useful since CAS could fight from 20km out. The VT1 missiles cant hit past 12km and my f16 is essentially unbeatable because i can carry 6 AGM 65G and have anti air weaponry, Pantsir gets close but if i spend time getting within my long range fighting then they are no threatm though for most matches if the Russians are on my team i dont have to do that and can instead just fly straight up. Contrails still bug out and dont show up half the time so im still invisible. ITO cant see me anyways after about 10 seconds so they have never been a threat to me.

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You can carry 6 AGM65D’s, not G’s.

My bad, regardless the point still stands that CAS has been stronger than SPAA for a longtime and only one nation getting the only decent form still vexs me


Bad take only given by bad players. They have overperforming missiles for the BRs they are at and deserve to be higher thusly. They simply make the game worst by existing at their current BRs.


avoiding the enemy doesnt win games bud

assumes the a10 lets you

the issue here is you have no qualms losing 100% of your games because you arent able to engage a % of the enemy team without getting 9L’d.

So what? It belongs higher. CMs or A2A are not required in helis ,especially ones that outrange ALL SPAA TO BEGIN WITH

this is a silly ass idea considering they arent that good, you are just a usa main coping

I only see Gaijin ignoring the advice of the most supporters.
the proposal for 99A/WZ1001E/VT4 has at least 400 supporters and ranks first. but gaijin still hasn’t made any changes.
Their attitude is very clear, they only want the Soviet Union and Sweden to be strong, followed by countries with Leo A7.
The remaining factions are toys that provide entertainment for them.

Mekava, Leclerc, 99A, VT4, Challenger 2 all require buff. But all these issues have never been taken seriously.

yeah cause Italy is the meta right

They now have a tank that is easily better than most other MBTs that aren’t 2A7s/122s. So while the lineup isn’t meta, the 2A7HU gave it a massive boost.

The meta with a shitty lineup of Ariete’s and an OTO that is barely worthy of BR 10.

Yes, one tank.

This is an America suffers thread vaguely disguised as BR change feedback.

That is one increddibly good tank more than a lot of other nations have.

ya know a couple other things i thought of.

where the heck is the BRAT 2 ERA armor that the A3 bradley is suppose to have?
Brat 2 era has 120mm KE protection and 800-900mm CE protection. its rated for direct impacts from 30mm APFSDS without detonating. 35mm is probably a 50/50 chance and anything bigger like 40mm and up will set it off though.

and why is the US MH-60L Dap the same BR as the israli one? despite being worse in every way. it doesnt get FAF ATGMs, and doesnt have a cannon. its a whale. it should be like a whole 1.0 br lower.

As for the M735 ammo. gaijin admitted the old 353mm pen was correct. and it got nerfed by accident. then NEVER fixed it and its still useless down at 282mm which is barely better than m728 which is junk.

why does the M1 105 and M60A3 not have M833? they both fired it pretty heavily in desert storm.


Kremlins strongest soldier.

USSR is my most played nation, but I had no idea my fellow players needed so much handholding. Maybe 2S38 can be moved down to 9.7 where it will be more comparable to the 40mm CV90s. It has less armor so it should be lower BR.

one great tank isnt better than having 2-6 good tanks

I’ve personally love to know why the m1 Abrams got it’s BR increased while the turms and ztz96A P didn’t get touched. a shell with sub 400mm pen at 10.7 is absurd and the Abrams armour would be reletively equal to the turms and ztz mentioned

Both the Turms and ZTZ96A went up in BR.

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not enough. all those MBT’s should be at 10.7 if the m1 abrams is up there.

The M1 Abrams is also considerably better than the turms and ztz96s.