Oct 2024 balance change feedback

It also can carry twice as many missiles as the BMD-4, but it can’t use them in the autoloader so its way longer reload

poor T-72s getting lolpenned im so sad, its almost as if powerful APFSDS can kill older tanks easily

guys lets appreciate b-29 going down 🙏

Nice that you ignored everything else in the post really worthwhile engagement

did you want me to disagree with you saying the AIM-9M is good?

I have thought about this for some time, but only now have I been able to put it into words.

Gaijin’s reliance on statistics and “vehicle efficiency” is basically “affirmative action”, but for game balance. They are aiming for equity, not equality.

equality equity

Now bear with me, and try to think about this divorced from real life politics. This is a game balance discussion, not real life. What is best for real-life may be different from what is best for a competetive/recreational setting such as video games.

Equality would be to assign every vehicle an appropriate BR that corresponds to their actual capabilities, in effect giving players of all nations and all vehicles the same opportunity to perform.

Equity is what Gaijin is aiming to achieve right now, by assigning BRs to vehicles according to how well it’s players are able to use it.

If the players play too poorly in a specific vehicle, it is reduced in BR (buffed) until the players achieve an average performance. Conversely, if the players play too well in a vehicle, it is increased in BR (nerfed) until the players achieve an average performance.

This is why premium vehicles tend to be under-tiered, because they have a low bar of entry which means new players can play it right away without acquiring the skills needed to play well. Gaijin only looks at the statistics so they see the vehicle perform poorly, and decide to lower it’s BR.

For minor nations that mainly attract experienced players, the opposite is true. They end up with over-tiered vehicles which only experienced players can get to work, and drive inexperienced players away.

Why is this bad? Well, I believe this is approach is entirely unsuitable for a competetive game such as War Thunder. Vehicle balance should be entirely independent of the user/player, or else you end up with under-tiered vehicles that are tailored for the wider unskilled demographic, but which experienced players are able to exploit with balance-breaking consequences.

Imagine if real life sports and other competetive games tried to force equity? To force the same outcome for everyone? Balancing vehicles by performance statistics is equal to giving a worse runner a head start to a better runner.


I agree. Moving the A-10, all of them for that matter, up was a complete asinine move. You mean to tell me these planes have to suffer because a handful of players refuse to do anything but head on an aircraft that goes the same speed as a P-51? Gaijin themselves said the A-10As were already poor performers before being moved up and we’re suppose to give them all forward spawns. Anything to gimp US vehicles.

Absolute agree with the HSTV-L and 2S38. Either the 2S38 needs to go up to 11.3 or the HSTV-L needs to come down to 10.3. No idea what Gaijin is on thinking either of the current Bars for those vehicles are in the current spot. The 2S38 is far better in capability than its US counterpart.

Also agree with the A3 ammo. The five second reload was not the fix. It’s still perhaps the worst performing top tier MBT with just about everything, including a stern cough in its direction, being able to break the turret ring.


other 2s38 op crying post lmao


This thread might make me pull out the bingo sheet, I can tell there’s a few spaces filled already : )

Idk what to say other than skill issue, 2-3 shots is more than enough to kill most MBTs. Use your mobility and gun depression to ambush people.

Plenty of tanks around this BR have Gen 1 thermals, it’s really a non issue.

Its getting an appropriate BR change to 10.3. HSTV-L is far superior to it, but you refuse to pay attention to things like profile, projectile mass, survivability, speed, penetration, gun depression, SPAA capability, and playstyle.

It’s already the best tank at 10.3 (soon to be 10.7). This “decompression” we got simply moved up the 10.3 meta to 10.7. The Abrams will perform about the same at the new BR.

Literally in what way? Sure, before you could argue 2S38 is better multi role because of the AA capability but now the HSTV-L is superior to it in AA since it received IRST and proxy-HE.

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Or they can just buy a ticket instead of free loading ;)

it is 5 tons heavier and it takes 20 s to reload a single missile, the later by itself justifies the br difference.

Equity in this game does not work, due to the fact that there are millions of people using bots to change the winning rate.

i’ve been honestly completely disappointment with the a-10C. Its not an air to air combat plane and is slower than molasses at the south pole. I would prefer it to loose the aim 9’ms and have a much better ATG weapons and have a way for those to be beneficial in air rb for those who dont play sim.

This would mean air spawn, more ground targets that are not all centered in the middle of the map that everyone is dog fighting at. Increase the ground target rewards by 15% so not everyone is base bombing and game over.

And for the love of thunder, increase rewards for both air and ground or reduce the rp requirements for the next vehicles. You would get so many more people playing and buying premiums and ge and everything else if it didnt take over a year to grind out one of the main tech trees. I would love to play Italy or France or any of the other but i’m not going to because the grind is so stupidly long for no reason. Games should be enjoyable not a second job.

You sure about that?
Automatic selection of missile guidance is certainly a feature in game and prevents players to use Pantsir’s full potantiel.

Similiar problems occurs on other Spaa systems so this is not something special to Pantsir in this case.

Pantsir is single handledly best top tier Spaa and nothing can come close to it when it comes to pure performance.

Did Russia needed best Spaa+Best Attack Chopper and Cas plane that can even detect Pantsir Radar lock/missile launch and best A2G munition? Certainly no.

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You can set in it on all 3 modes - It will function the same. If you were to launch 3 different missiles at 3 separate targets, 2 would get guided towards their respective tws lock and the last one you fired is semi-guided with the crosshair.

It’s special to the pansir because it uses a tws softlock system, it’s very wonky. If you lose lock on the priority target, it automatically selects the next one (if there is one) and drags your missile and crosshair away. I don’t remember if the following case is true for the other spaa. You can’t aim and engage targets that are 80-90 Degrees above you due to how buggy the tws is

To give an example I remember from my time in squibs and a good reason why most of the better squadrons avoided using it when a 4 man air comp was available:

There was a merge between the friendly and enemy airteams, 5 seconds later my entire screen was green from the amount of chaff, rockets, missiles and even flares jokingly.

People need to start respawning on MBTs instead of CAS instantly and expect an insta win. If the russian team spawns multiple pansirs while theres no air, they will lose the ground war quick. This is why german W/R is high despite not having good CAS or AA.

Also another issue I’ve noticed with it, you can’t lock scout drones at all with the radar, but much older radar sets from the roland somehow can. I just find this weird

It doesnt, Los mode is the best one and we already confirmed this by testing multiple times.

Leading mode will prevent you to use Missiles full potantiel.

So far it works fine for me and even then its a soft way to balance most broken Spaa system in this game, i’d say its quite okay.

That is simply bs excuse, German winrates were really high due to Leopard2A7V hype, as soon as that hyped died German win rates started to become normal.

Past couple days i was spading my Leo2A7 and teams wasnt even close to bein as good as Leo’s initial release. New toys always brings veteran players together, this is known factor.

As for the CAS, if other team doesnt spawn in planes Russian team will surely do and SU25SM3+KA52/MI28NM will literally destroy enemy team.

I’d take hard to use TWS but can hit a target out to 16km (heck hit up to 3-4 targets at once out to 16km) over the “so long as the target doesnt move too much” 8-10km (only one target) ADATS

Adats doesn’t cut it for top tier anymore