Object 292 unbalanced

razervon 2.0 lol

you acting more like him tbh

10.3 vs 10.0

Super Etendard, AMX, A6 TRAM, Jaguar A, Q-5L.


And here we go: the complains about the average event tank.

How to kill it? The same way you kill every soviet top tier mbt but this time you dont have to worry about ERA shenanigans bc it has none.
ATGMS? Remember, no ERA.
Your tank has ESS and thermals? Easiest way yo kill it since it has no thermals.
Worried about your ligh armored vehicle getting destroyed or disabled by HMG fire? Worry not, it doesnt have one.
Heli with rockets only? Same as above.
You have a fast reload? Then you can shot almost 2 times before the 292 can do the same.
Autocannon? Destroy the barrel, it cant run away without getting shot bc it has no smoke.

Its just a stripped down T-80 with a big and slow gun. Its HE is way more reliable than the APDSFS, which turns it into a SPG with armor.


Since Obj. 292 turrets have more airtime than the complete Tornado fleet in the German Techtree, I don’t really get your point.
The 292 is way less annoying than the 2S38 at 10.0BR. Yeah the penetration values seem to bee a bit over the top, the HE shells are way worse like mentioned above. Just wait 1-2 weeks until the spam is over and it’ll be fine. (How to kill it? Big ammo requires a big ammorack. Shoot it and watch it shattering into pieces ;) )

Is there even anything more annoying than a 2S38 in 10.0? that thing has divine intervention making sure the fuel tank stops every round

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I’d say the 2S38 is among the least threatening vehicles I face in this BR range.

I’ve never understood people’s complaints about them, granted, I play the M1 and Leopard 2 a lot and not the more thinly armored stuff.

Either way, it’s usually a case of:

  • I spot them first, so I one-tap them because they’re paper maché.
  • They spot me first, fire a couple of non-penning rounds at the front of my M1/Leo 2, then I one-tap them in return.
  • They spot me first, can fire at my side armor and kill me as a result, but any tank could’ve done the same in that situation so I fail to see the problem.
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Is that right about HE

I agree. I have been able to one shot them about 97% of the time.

I think so. The HE is pretty good and it allows you to take out tanks that are only showing a part of themselves.

The same way you’d kill the T-64B, T-72B '89, and T-80B.

They’re all at the same BR and have way more armor.

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Ammo in the rear of the turret won’t kill as far as I’ve seen.

T-80B, not even a BV.

It is a T-80BV hull
Unlike the T-64B and the BV upgrade kit the BV for the T-80 series is an entirely different vehicle to the T-80B, it shares the composite layout of the T-80U for the hull besides the additional protection to the LFP but maintains the T-80B composite layout for the turret

You can see in game the 292 has the 50/30 composite scheme that the 80U has for the hull but has an 1100hp engine not the 1000 of the B or 1250 of the U

problem is that a lot of times you’re only able to shoot the turret which is pretty much pointless if you’re not using Hesh or HE (and he also has to be standing still or slow)
and 2nd problem is the giant fuel tank in the front usually eats shells


Compared to other IFVs, the 2S38 feels the most RNG wether your shot will actually kill it or not

Edit: and thats ignoring everything it has that makes it better than those other 10.0 IFVs

Also the 2S38 will pen the M1 and Leo 2 in the front effectively at around 800m, could also do 1km but it wouldn’t be that good
So not sure how that’s been working out for you unless it’s a newbie trying to speedrun the tree and not knowing he can pen it


It doesn’t have ERA, nor the additional UFP plate.

The T-80BV was purely an ERA modification that accompanied all 1985 upgrades, ranging from the T-72B, T-80U, T-72AV, and the T-80BV itself.

The fuck are you talking about? The '292 has the 50/50/50 hull of the T-80U… It has a basic '219R turret with the standard T-80U hull.

The T-80B had the 1100hp GTD-1000TF. The only tank to use the base model GTD-1000T is the base model T-80, while IRL the Obj. '292 and T-80U 1992+ used the GTD-1250.
It was supposed to upgrade to either the 1250G or 1500, though neither were ready during testing.

yeah idk who was the mastermind who tought a T80 tank with almost 700 mm of pen would be a good idea at 10.0, the thing has good armor mobility and gun superior to anyone at its BR while people say its bad cuz of bad handling or bad reload as if that stopped it from blasting everything at 10.0 like nothing


That is where the charges are kept, ammo is under the turret and the first stage is on the left hand side

Ive had a leopard bounce a shot

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Can any of you see it doing well because i think it needs big maps

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