Do you developers understand how much you made a mistake by adding Object 292 in 10.0? What is the logic of a Tank of these proportions in 10.0? How am I going to kill this Tank using Leopard 2A4, M1 KVT, etc…
By learning how to aim
No thermals, no machine gun, bad vertical traverse.
The penetration is good but so is the penetration of every 10.0 Russian MBT. It has a 3 second slower reload time than the other Russian MBTs.
Large ammo storage on the back of the turret, ammo is stored immediately next to the turret crew.
What about the vehicle do you find difficult to deal with?
You aim on the LFP and oneshot it, any other question you have?
Shoot his weak spot—>pen—>get a hit—>die to his 152 apfsds\he right after that. Do you people actually play this game or sit here on forums gaslighting people?
Have you tried not being trash shooting the drivers hatch or LFP will oneshot the 292 its not a 90M with a spall liner that eats shells its a T-80BV with an even easier autoloader to ammo rack
oh, these suffering Abrams with 5 sec reload, better aiming speed, back and forth speed, better armor, with thermals.
what is suffering is 9.0 to 10.0 the 10.3s are fine because they honestly shouldn’t fight most tanks around that br
Uptiered vehicles suffering isnt a new thing give it 2 weeks and youll see maybe one 292 a game and nobody complaining anymore
Yeah sure, it’s easy to kill Russian tanks when u shoot the lower front plate and it kills only the driver with fuel tank and no ammo get enough spall to get destroyed, or when u shoot the driver hatch and u just kill like a commander or driver and guy just shoot back. You know u have to be at least better than someone before calling them trash? Seeing u play just cas, no wonder u type this nonsense, u don’t even play in br range of object 292 lol
Your first shot should be disabling his gun lol
the 292 makes the problem 10 times worse around that br 9.7s don’t stand a chance and thats .3 difference. the entire br is compressed as shit but since you don’t really need to aim with the 292 it makes it even more difficult to fight and sure it doesn’t have thermals sure its vertical sucks but its still very fast and has great armor most tanks around this br have very few of these attributes only ting the 10.3s have going for them is thermals and gun handling
Ah yeah let me disable his gun when he has at least 4 more teammate objects 292 around him to secure the kill XD
against a tank that doesn’t have to aim big brain idea wow
btw shot his breach with m900 and it only made it yellow lol
Do you not also have a team?
I don’t have to aim with TOW2As that doesn’t mean I’m not going to try to hit weakspots.
a pretty bad example but ok
when russia got something good is overpower what about strv 122 at 11.7 ?