Object 292 unbalanced

Blame Armored Warfare, that’s what primarily caused it.

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That’s quite literally what it is?
It’s the tactic of using baseless and heavily inflated whataboutisms as leverage to inflate what you want.
That, along with the tactics of downplaying and dehumanizing… I’d call that russophobic.

Cancel culture?

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the extra armor in the hull of the T90M plus was both a rant and a critique to gaijin’s tactics Instead of saying with honesty they dont want to buff the 2A7V yet because of such and such, they give bad excuses, which just puts more wood to the fire. Also:

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The T-90M doesn’t have any extra armor in the hull? It has the same hull pattern as the 1989 T-72B / 1993 T-90.

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it does have an extra ERA package its thicker

ERA package makes no difference in the composite profile.

1 sheet, less armor 2 sheet more armor, 3 sheets bigger armor = more protection

Is that supposed to be an english sentence?

the T90M has more ERA over the existing ERA in front; that’s what it means but you didnt seem to comprehend me, Instead of Kontakt 5, it uses relikt, which makes the armor better than the T90A

had to reverse it there my bad i tend to confuse them

or if you are referring to a purely composite check between the T72A and T72B, the T72B has better composite than the T72A

The T-90 doesn’t have any more ERA over what was there before… The 90M model only uses Relikt.

Do you mean Kontakt-3? Or Duplet.

Yes, that’s the point of an upgrade. The T-90M was an entire redesign of a 20 year old model… the Leopard 2A7V put new systems in a relatively new model.

I was talking o how T90 A uses kontakt meanwhile T90M uses relikt, 2A7V has a base Hull upgrades changing from C tech to D tech aswell as having an extra composite addition not only an upgrade in Systems

Plain lie. At this point it’s a surprise when the LFP actually results in a kill. Most of the time the APFSDS just goes through the warheads/propellant without causing any damage. Only reliable thing it does is kill the engine


nothing to see here guys


NOOO! you should have aimed in X spot and you’re bad skill issuee!!!111

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You sure? Cause last time i checked it has better coverage on both turret and hull armor.

On T-90M entire turret and hull armor is almost compeletly covered by RELIKT while T-90A has less coverage from Kontakt-5.

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Are you not claiming the T-90M has relikt over K-5?

The T-90M has an entirely redesigned turret specifically meant for space optimization.

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Served you right helibois, oops

i wouldn’t have to hop into a heli or a strike jet if they didn’t give russia such overpowered tanks

in fact the only reason i was in a heli was because a 292 tanked 3 spikes and 100 rounds of 25mm darts to the barrel without even breaking