Object 292 unbalanced

Oh, I don’t know…

Maybe that Gaijin has artificially buffed Russian vehicles. Consistently. Since the games’ inception?
Maybe that Gaijin loves to try to only models NATO vehicles in accordance to Russian specs and rejects NATO data on them? There’s been so many threads where we’ve had to have it out with Gaijin just to get the smallest shit modeled properly.
Maybe that Gaijin loves to make Russian vehicles not only overperform, but also exist at BR ranges where they stomp everything else? And that this has been a far more common occurrence for Russia over any other nation?

I could go on…

It’s Gaijin’s fault for not only creating the meme but actually making it a reality with their practices. It’s not my fault YOU have had your head up your ass for the last decade about it. Your ignorance on the topic is YOUR problem, not ours.

And if calling out the Bias bullshit makes me " Russphobic " or whatever the hell I’ll gladly flex my chin and get my Chad strut on because unlike you I actually know what the score is.


The LFP is always gonna be a one-shot and it almost always will have to show said LFP because it doesn’t have the gun depression (the typical crux of russian tanks)… And it, of course - doesn’t have 3BM46, any reverse gear, nor thermals of any kind.

It’s easily equivalent to something like the Chinese 96A, which is a completely run-of-the-mill 10.0. I’d also wager it’s worse than the 120S which is also 10.0. (At the very least, I would easily take the 120S’s 5 second reload firing M829A1 with the M1A1’s turret, gun handling, and ADDED gen 2 thermals??).

It’s a weak spot on all the Russian T-series tanks, the downside to it is that you’re not always at a good angle to get an ammunition shot, but rather just a driver and fuel tank shot depending on the situation. The main thing about the armor that I’m talking about is the UFP and the Turret and the Mantlet armor. Its incredibly tanky and trolly at the battle rating, and makes the 292 less of a glass cannon and more of a unfair murder machine.

Instead it has something far better, so don’t know why this is a downside for you.

It has the T-80 reverse gear, which although not much, was more than enough for me when I played it as it allowed me to take corner shots and retreat before getting return fire. It’s quite an upgrade compared to the T-90 and T-72 reverse gear, but i agree it could be better. However it’s not so bad as to be considered a downside.

Although on half the maps you won’t need it, I agree this is a downside as your opponents will have a considerable advantage over you.

However there are many advantages to this tank.

For starters; that insane round one shots quite a lot and can lol pen any tank anywhere you want. Having that first shot kill is quite advantageous, and often negates the downside of the long reload, unless you’re dealing with multiple opponents.

The mobility is quite decent and honestly a breath of fresh air for a T-series tank. Really found myself enjoying with when it was spaded in the mobility department.

The HE shell is just a nuke, you can play this tank using only this round and get an actual nuke without much trouble lmfao.

Blowout panels on the turret, quite nice but honestly not too much of an advantage, just thought I would mention it.

Decent horizontal turret traverse, when I gave it max crew points towards it, as well as expert crew, I never found it to be lackluster at all, it got the job done with ease, and the vertical targeting speed wasn’t thaaaat bad either, I’ve seen worse. Neither of these are yet to have gotten me killed or find any problematic times with them, so I find them to be adequate enough. (One exception being a repaired turret ring being a bit slow for me since it was still yellow/orange)

The sight magnification is perfectly fine for me, and the laser rangefinder is very lovely, glad it has that, but with the rounds muzzle velocity it probably didn’t even need it lmao.

For the simple reason this tank can lol-pen everything, I think it belongs at 10.7 and 11.0 when there’s decompression. It should be a glass cannon, but it’s not made of glass for the opponents who face it. In my honest opinion I think it would preform just fine at 11.0 right now (minus the Fuji spam), and would be quite effective at its role.

Except this tank is an actual glass cannon with the entire hull being a weak spot. The thermals and reload are lovely though, but it having the worst M60 mobility in the game (bc its heavier with the original engine) it’s absolutely horrible when it’s not in a first shot scenario, and often times it’s not fast enough to get into that scenario in the first place. Hull down its semi decent, but good luck getting into a place where that tall as a house beast can hide its hull.
(I also feel it belongs at 10.3 if we’re being fair)


why do you think they added it, why do you think its soviet

anyways 292 players arent the brightest usually and you can track, gun, whatever way before you need to figure out how to hit their mantlet or lfp or side

I am talking about the T-80UD.
I even attached a video of me killing a T-80UD.

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Oh… well than
My bad I just assumed this was an old message of mine, and ya know, Obj-292 thread haha.


There is no point trying to convince them - if they can’t get there with all of the blatant stuff over the last six months, then they will never manage to work it out.

Object 292 is ridiculous at 10.0, judging how it’s performing it’s probably too strong for 10.3 too.


Vehicles in this game aren’t so simple that you can talk about them in such a localized fashion.
Every thread about a “single” vehicle will always form into comparisons between its peers and intricacies in battle performance, where you’re fighting an entire team of different vehicles.

The T-80UD is one such vehicle since it’s literally a direct counterpart at 10.0.
I also believe the Object 292 should be 10.3 because it is better than its counterparts in the Russian tree such as the T-80UD, and others - such as the ZTZ96A, Challenger 1, and so on.

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Maybe shoot the Turret Ring or close to the Gun and you’ll actually kill the thing. It’s simple. It’s sort of like a T-72 or any Russian tank. It has the T-80 hull which means the driver’s weakspot is almost an immediate kill if you have the shells to do so, and at 9.3 or 10.0 even, you have APFSDS and HEATFS that can do all that quite easily.

What did I miss, guys?

This is you doing nothing more than showing your own bias about what you think is overpowered by trying to say your complaint is more valid than his. It’s not like he couldn’t ALSO think the Strv122 is too good?

Nah, 292 is incredibly good at absorbing shots that should have killed it. The armor overperforms for the BR. I have shot the breach plenty of times to only yellow/orange it and not kill any crew, and I have also shot the LFp enough times to ONLY destroy a fuel tank and nothing else (which did zero damage to the tank other than start a fire), AND I’ve shot the side plenty of times and did nothing to crew or ammo.


Are you gonna post the replay so we can actually confirm if they shot where you’re saying they did or are you just gonna go “trust me bro” becuase a struggle to believe a leopard non penned the 80mm LFP or 110mm driver’s port

I mean, wow. This is just braindead. the 2S38 doesn’t just face Abrams and Leopards. A .5 reload with around 200mm of penetration even considering its at 10.0 is insane. There are many other light tanks with nothing to do against it.

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Those light tanks can be shredded by any other autocannons as well, and the 2S38 still dies extremely easily.

I’m not the one struggling to deal with these paper mache vehicles that only have 3 crew total all bunched up in the same spot. It doesn’t even have particularly great mobility for a light tank either.

Also, don’t imply I’m cherry-picking matchups with the Leo 2 and M1 only to then cherry-pick light vehicles yourself in the same paragraph.

The 2S38 has had some of the worst stats of any high tier vehicle across any country since it’s introduction, it clearly isn’t as easy to play as many make it out to be.

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The 2S38 always dies to one shot in my experience.

I drive the Abrams family of tanks alot and i can tell u the Abrams will get 1 shoted through the cheeks of the turret,either side. It will get killed through the uper plate the lower plate and the one that gets me the most ,it will get 1 shoted through the optics !!! on top of the turret . The shell never enters the turret but killes the entire crew ??? How the hell does that hapen ? If I shoot any MBT tank in a face to face encounter and I shoot first ,nothing happens to the enemy but he will kill me with his first shot. But if I survive my breach or barrel will be damaged to where I have to repair while he reloads and the killes me … but through the optics kills me . Buy the way the points of vulnerability on the Russian or German tanks are very small in battle where most times u don’t have time to pinpoint aim . Because u will be dead. The Abram’s is so easily damaged and its shell is so infective it almost makes it impossible win …the last I heard the top Abrams is winning about 30 percent of its matches . Have a lot more to say but this is getting to long .What do u think about my game play experience?

that heat fs shell hitting mu optics was a kill shot 😂


Nice run-on sentence.

The T-90A and the T-90M both use the exact same armor patterns in the hull, while having a slightly less armored turret in terms of base armor profiles.

The 2A7V is effectively a technological upgrade. Its most notable upgrade is that of the gun and the optics.

Seeing as the S-122 uses applique composites with better stated protection… I’d hope it’s better.

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