Object 279 now dies by fire crackers

But almost all heavies are a threat in downtier and still usable in an uptier. The Matilda, KV-1s, Churchills, Tigers and Pershings can all do ok even in a full uptier. The long reload 7.7s (except the Conqueror but that one has different problems) can’t. Think of what a Tiger 2H does to a M4A3 76mm or a T26E5 to a T-34-85. The 7.7s are nowhere near as good against 6.7s as the 6.7s are against 5.7s.

Well the 279 is arguably still overpowered and more of a medium than a heavy in an uptier. That’s why it’s so strong it’s got firepower, armor and mobility along with a reasonable reload.

Merkavas are have a weird damage model anyways. They are either an easy oneshot or impossible to kill similar to the Strv103. Hated to fight those 2 in the IT-1.

It the T-62M even worth playing? Terrible turret traverse, average mobility/armor and long reload than other MBTs.

Yes, compared to the 279, the 3BM28 has an easier time hitting targets especially fast-moving targets due to higher velocity, also the hull turns very quickly which could offset the slow turret turning, it takes a while to get used to then you realized that you could kill a lot of things the 279 struggle to kill due to reaction speed and shell velocity, it’s more uptier proof since the 3BM28 has an easier time going through composite blocks unlike the dated APHE, but it definitely lost to 279 when it comes to full downtier performance.

Also the 3BM28 could frontally kill STRV103 but the BR-482B will struggle.


kill counts are all pretty similar, IS4 is just better than the T32E1, flat out. It’s faster, has a more favorable matchmaker, (you fight idiots), and has more trolly armour. M103 is not something i know much about, but i’ve killed it through that funny turret ring shot trap in my Tiger 2 (H)

well, one big thing you are forgetting is Gun depression… which can make or break a vehicle… especially on the majority of maps/positions… but yeah, other than that, the IS4M is better… although… not by much… Both are good

it’s a privacy username, their usernames are changed a lot, like Waldo1234, or George 9876, you get the point. but i wouldn’t go as far as to say spookston, justin, oddbawz all had better matchmakers, that’s not realistic. sure they do “cherrypick” games, but in a lot of spookston videos he puts in 1 kill, and the map changes, hinting at he died after 1 kill. it’s quite common. but to be fair, would you want to watch spookston or someone else just do bad in a tank for a whole video? i mean everyone does bad from time to time.

gun depression has killed me atleast once, but good lord its HILARIOUS in a full downtier

the object 279 suffers from heavy tank syndrome, where it is too good/strong in a full down tier, and too weak/easily killable in a full up tier… The main problem there is that 70% of games are up tiers…

Its still good and fun… but yeah, it definitely got nerfed a bit. As for planes… i think they should be nerfed in Every way… doubled Spawn points, halved dmg, of bombs and guns. They simply deal way too much damage, and cost way too little.

im guessing its a lot more than once, and even worse than a death, is the frustration of being able to kill/severely injure someone but your gun simply wont go down. USSR is a great nation… but literally every tank they have is -5 or less… its useless and crap.

ive played them so much i just take my tanks into level ground or get below/under enemies since i know that its a waste of time to try and get behind a defilade or something and try and shoot them (you end up just having to drive completely over to be able to shoot them… which is like… 10 seconds of vulnerability, aka… you die)

buttt yeahhhh most heavy tanks are fun to play in a full down tier… which, sadly are very rare.

The T32E1 has a better HP/T.

Most idiots are on your team. 7.7 russian teams are the worst I’ve ever seen even more retards than 6.7 germany.

Depends. The 128mm can easily punch through the drivers port while the T32E1 has no obvious weakspot.

Not worth fighting frontally. You have to be precise while the M103 can AP his way through the drivers port or use HEAT.

The IS-4M has better armor. Literally everything else the T32E1 does better.

The IS-4M reload is 50% longer, the turret traverse is 10°/s vs 24°/s on the T32E1 and it has a third of the gun depression. Also has less crew and ammo everywhere.

T32E1 doesn’t really feel faster at all
In my experience Russian 7.7 teams are better than American ones
Jagdtiger is one of my favorite tanks lmao
I’ve seen 3 M103’s in my 200 Tiger 2 Respawns, i’ve died to one, the other times i’ve killed it. Seen 4 M103’s in my IS-4M, 2 killed me, I killed 2 others.
As for the reload, it’s fine. It forces you to play more conservatively, and that usually garners you more kills. The gun may be worse, but again playing conservatively when you have no choice makes you play better.
IMO, the T32E1 is worse, but thats IMO

14.3 hp/t vs 12.5 hp/t

They have worse tanks, CAS and players. They are not better.

If you like the Jagdtiger you should know how easy IS-4Ms are to kill compared to T32E1s.

The M103 directly counters the IS-4M and the T32E1 doesn’t have to fave it at all.

You can play conservatively with any tank but the long reload means you’re completely helpless as soon as a second enemy with a brain shows up.

Again needing a long reload to not rush out and die is a skill issue and not an advantage the tank has.

Did you ever play it?

okay okay T32E1 is probably faster
i think american cas is better, but american mains are slightly dumber
rarely see m103’s, but it’s 50/50 who wins
i do have adhd, so i don’t play conservatively lol
haven’t played it YET, but i’ve fought it, shooting the barrel, then flanking works most of the time, same as what i’d do to an IS4, (in a tiger 2)

OBJ 279 is faster. HP/T isn’t the only stat that determines mobility. Ground force for the 279 is FAR less due to the double tracks while it takes no penalty for the engine having to drive both of those tracks. On concrete the T32 will be faster but most maps these days have more mud than concrete.

Conq>IS4m>T32e1. 90mm has nowhwere near the lethality of the 122 and doesn’t have the capability of overpressuring on pen. 224 pen is nowhere sufficent at 7.7, especially not for a heavy.

While the M103 counters the IS4, the BMP-1 also counters the T32e1. BMPs are way more common than M103s.

Long reload is a pain, but the 122 OHKs easily while the 90 does not. Shooting someone center mass with a 90mm only to see 2 crew survive is common. Then they swap crew around and kill you before you reload.

I’ve always found the IS-4M to be better than the T32E1 IMO. The IS-4M can tank early APDS and HEAT, and has a better round (not just overpressure but overall penetration). Obviously it comes with pretty massive drawbacks like long reload and poor depression but I can play around that.

Except the enemy can repair his barrel before your gun is even reloaded.

How does the Obj 279 influence the IS-4s or T32s mobility? I assume you were talking about the IS-4 because this makes no sense.

Most maps don’t have mud at all but offroad the T32E1 accelerates to 35 kph in 10s and the IS-4M takes 15s to reach the same speed.

Of course the 122 shell is better but it comes with massive drawbacks such as the insanely long reload, gun depression and turret rotation ans these are way worse than the slighty less lethal 90mm post pen.

Completely misses the point. The IS-4M can’t pen really front pen the M103/Maus while the M103/Maus can easily front pen the IS-4M. The T32E1 can front pen a BMP. The BMP also counters the IS-4M the same way it counters the T32E1.

No it’s not.

This happens to the IS-4M a lot more than to the T32E1.

I’m not denying this but there are tanks that have it worse.

It can tank retards that don’t aim.

6mm flat and a bit better angle pen doesn’t make a difference if you can’t get the gun on target or aren’t reloaded.

Obviously you can make a bad tank work. That doesn’t make the tank good.

Yes. The IS-4M when angled has small weakspots that is not obvious to find especially when the IS-4M knows to angle the turret as well. I mean really your argument doesn’t mean much. Its like saying the Tiger 2H has irrelevant armour because it has a weakspot.

Armour makes the enemy think where to shoot. It delays their reaction time and some don’t know where to shoot.

Statcards don’t show everything. The BR-412B has incredibly good angled penetration.
US 90mm

RU 122mm

I mean really the T32E1 plays more like a medium while the IS-4M plays more like a traditional heavy. I just personally find the IS-4M to be better at 7.7. If you like the T32E1 more then yeah I can see why, its a responsive heavy that plays like a medium tank.

The drivers hatch is huge and shooting the middle will pen most of the time.

Total nonsense. Angling the turret makes it weaker to both AP and HEAT.

The Tiger 2s armor works because you have to shoot the weakspot before it can shoot back. When fighting an IS-4M you have 22s before it can shoot again giving you enough time to track and barrel.

Yes obviously but you will run into problems if armor is your only strength.

Using the B shell over the D shell is retarded and it should only be carried as a secondary shell.

This is the reason the T32E1 is better. The IS-4M only has stronger armor and the T32E1 does everything else better.

I like the IS-4M more than the T32E1 too but that doesn’t make it better. It’s just more fun. Also most of the HE/HEAT cancer will be on your team as an American tank.

Angling reduces the size of the driver port weakspot. HEAT will have trouble 1 shotting you if they aim their and theres a good chance they’ll only kill the driver.

You do it to isolate the damage… If you face someone that can pen the front of your turret, its better to angle and show the loader side to so that the damage is limited and won’t kill the gunner side. Same tactic with the 279.

B > D. D shell only has flat pen advantage which is fine and can come in handy but I prefer the angled pen of the B shell. I bring both anyway.

IS-4M has a better round and armour. BR-412B/D is much better than T41 I’ve just proven it in my other comment.

IS-4M’s armour also works against APDS. Even the Conq’s APDS can have trouble.

If you angle even slightly your lower side can easily be penned by almost anything. No need to shoot the drivers port.

You will lose your breach and die.

Doesn’t work. You either lose your barrel or your breach. Just have to face tank them and hope they can’t aim.

Except it has a workable reload and doesn’t give the enemy 22s to figure out what to do.

Noobs believe this. The D shell can deal with (almost) everything the B shell can kill but the B shell can’t pen the things the D shell can kill.

The T32E1 is still good against solid shot and both suffer against HEAT. The T32E1 turret can resist HEAT up to 320mm pen pretty well but the hull is weak while it’s the opposite for the IS-4M.

A 90mm with a 15s reload is infinitely better than a 122mm with a 22s reload. Not to mention the T32 getting APCR and being able to kill a Maus frontally (and Ferdinands/Ho-Ris at range) while the IS-4M can’t.

You won’t be sniping against a Jagtiger on level ground this is an unrealistic scenario and happens maybe once every 100 matches. Most Jagdtigers you face will be at close range and shooting the MG port is the best option for both the 122mm and the long 90mm.

Lol no