Obj 120 br 8? It is not fair

Also russians dont get better APFSDS than at Obj 120 until 9.7. Back when we didnt had that much modern tanks and Object 120 was one rank under the top tier, you could just uptier yourself with it. And even now if you take it to 10.0-11.0 game it wont have issues penetrating the tanks.

pen yes, but no zoom and to precisly aim on distance is not easy since if you aim a little higher it makes a gigantic difference of the height the round flies.

Yes,cause the gun is very high velocity due to the enormous barrel lenght. Also you can roleplay VIDAR,it have 5.3 kg TNT HE shell flying at 950 m/s just like VIDAR

though u can roleplay VIDAR with the rounds it wont be any near the VIDAR aside the rounds, VIDAR is just stronger

You don’t need a LRF to snipe, you need practice and knowledge, not to mention the fact your APFSDS has practically no drop. Your armor absorbs APDS/APFSDS like it’s nothing. While the VIdAr needs to go up; it only has HE chemical rounds, not KE or HEAT. The reload on the Obj. 120 isn’t bad by any means.

Have you played the Object 120 bro?

Against it more than enough to know how it plays.

you can snipe with the VIDAR better on range than with the 120, who cares if you only have HE since you can rangefind the cupola with the LRF, and the VIDAR onehits way more often than the 120 because of overpressure

Ah yes,snipe with LRF on cupola,cause the target definitely cant move before shell hits and then it lands elsewhere doing no damage to him and then him killing u.

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Yeah, I’d like to see you try and aim a 15.5cm howizer at a target the size of someone’s shoulder width at over half a kilometer, with precision accuracy, while they are moving.

15.5cm shells tend to no do anything unless they have a catch point, or somewhere with no armor in the first place, while the Obj. 120 has APFSDS before anyone else in the game, decent speed and reload, and can pen everything at its BR.

LRF’s do not make a player good, skill makes a player good, and this honestly sounds like a skill issue, but I won’t dismiss your argument yet. I can run from playing the T-80U, and then go play the Jagdpanthers 8.8cm gun, at 6.3, and hit targets accurately at 1km+. It’s all about knowing your gun and ammo velocity, no LRF needed, LRF is really just a QoL tool, and most of the time isn’t spot on accurate.

Between the VIdAr and the Obj.120, both have equally decent range in every respect, just learn to aim, if you just bought the premium, and are a new player, and don’t know how to aim, that’s why your saying it sucks, seeing as you have 9000+ battles, your aren’t new.

You have to be extremely precise to let a kill shot with a 15cm+ howizer, or your screwed, the only thing that’s remotely has a second chance is the Bkan 1C, and its reload got nerfed, want to go back to the good old days when the reload was only 1.5 seconds, 2.5, it’s been long ago that got changed.

nobody said something about moving targets, yes shooting at moving targets is the only thing the 120 is better at as the Vidar but thats it. and on 8.0 there are not many stabilized tanks so to shoot you need to stop and when the vidar is already standing your screwed if you try to shoot back or you continue to move and dont shoot back. all i want to say is that its stupid that the 120 and the Vidar are on the same BR. Vidar should be at least 8.7

Literally every Centureon ever other than the Mk.1…

Yeah, I agree with the VIdAr going up in BR, but the Obj. 120 is busted still. It’s still the bane of every angled armor vehicle.

Which are absolutely insane, the only weakness chemical shells have is that they can’t really go through objects such as fences and trees.

Now that’s just bloody nonsense and you know it, that would be true if you were using a “regular” tank HE shell with less than 2kg TNTe. Generally howitzers only need to hit the target at all and get a one shot kill, though some vehicles can survive if their engine and/or fuel tanks absorb the damage.

Example of a vehicle that actually takes some precision to knock out:

What kind of Object 120 are you playing or facing? My Object 120 can barely take a hit from anything without requiring extensive repair.

The VIDAR features a laser rangefinder; the vehicle “itself” delivers precision and accuracy; all you have to do is lead the target correctly.

No, you do not; any shot on the turret near the roof of the hull is enough to detonate whatever ammunition is stored inside the hull, practically ensuring a one-shot kill. Even if you fail to eliminate your opponent with a single shot, any direct hit (especially those shells containing about 10 kg of TNT equivalent) would lead to a long repair for the enemy.


It’s fine at 8.0

Learn positioning and work on your awareness.

It’s a glass cannon and should be played as such. Simple as.

uhm this is the general idea with apfsds either you aim for crew or ammo but not just random in the middle of the tank

And with how shotty over-pressure is, you have to make sure it is a garunteed kill shot, like a cupola, or MG.

Regularly facing this thing in the Strv 103 taught me to not aim center mass, as it’s a black hole for shells, sure, it has no armor, but because it had no armor, the most your going to do is take out 1 crew member, or the engine/transmission package.

Yes, the VIdAr has a LRF, but it also has no KE rounds, and can’t just hit center mass and have an almost garunteed killshot. While also leading the target, they aren’t moving on a flat surface, so you have to account for terrain too.

Regularly playing the Bkan 1C, the 155mm shell(s) like to not work sometimes, hitting square, but only taking out tracks, and maybe a barrel if your lucky. The main issue with all howizers in game is the Overpressure system, as well as HESH, a direct it anywhere from 125mm+ HE shells should be an instant kill from the internal shockwave from the pressure being forced in the tank happening almost instantly, in a minimum, would burst ear drums and making your eyes have a possibility to start bleeding, or just and instant death from the shockwave to the brain. Now, Composites (spaced) and ERA do drastically decrease the effects.