Nuke B29 spawning from airfield is stupid

Skill issue.
Awareness issue.

well done proving my claim

You can’t try to play both sides of a conflicting argument. It doesnt make sense and makes you look ignorant. You’re a bad tactician and can’t handle that fact so you come to the forums to bed to make things harder than they are because you spawned a nuke with heavy fighter cover and got dusted.

This is beside the fact that NOONE agrees with you because they are fine the way they are.

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Because it simply is.

If you failed to pay attention to enemy air presence and spawned a Nuke bomber in - It is entirely a skill and awareness issue on your part.

The only person you have any right to get upset with is yourself for not paying attention.

It’s your fault. Take responsibility. Own up to it and rather than coming to the forums to cry about it, take it as a learning experience to pay attention.

tactician implies they have choice but my only choice was to spawn on AF and murdered by enemy plane

You had a choice, spawn a massive slow bomber against overwhelming fighter over or don’t, you chose wrong. Nukes aren’t designed to be a guarantee wether you like/agree with that or not.


either i dont spawn it and lose or spawn it, become a feeder with small chance of success then lose.
the choice was practically the same. doesnt really make it a choice.

i didnt say it should, i just says it should get higher air spawn

No matter how hard you try you’re not gonna just shift the blame to protect yourself.

You died and wasted a Nuke spawn because of your own incompetence. That’s all there is to it. Take responsibility.

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you also proved my other point

And all you’re doing here is proving that you’re not only incompetent as a gamer but also unintelligent and incapable of learning.

Yes, of course. Everyone else is the problem but you. What nonsense tripe you gaslight yourself with.

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sometimes it’s tool issue not user but well you doesnt seem to understand that concept. my condolances


No, this isn’t a tool issue. It’s entirely an error in the operator, but you’re simply too arrogant - and ignorant by extension - to recognize that. You need to grow out of your " main character syndrome " because it’s not doing you any favors.


it is though

100 percent isn’t, you made a choice and it didn’t work out. That’s on you, not the aircraft.

No, it isn’t.

It’s an operator issue. You yourself are the issue because you had skill and awareness issues.

It’s on you to rectify those. Simple as.

Now, we’re done here because in your arrogant ignorance you’ll want to do nothing but argue in circles until you feel like you won, but there’s no winning for you in this topic.

Get better and pay more attention. Don’t spawn a Nuke bomber in an enemy-controlled airspace next time. It’s that simple.

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well, i didnt have the choice to spawn it on 4000m

You had the choice to NOT spawn one. The choice of where to spawn was never in question. The choice being questioned is why you chose to spawn it when there were enemy fighters. It’s your fault you got shot down, check the airspace before you spawn aircraft or get shot down. Simple.

even if i know there’s plane what could i do? wait my team to lose by point/capture or just take the unfair gamble or wait my smart teammate to kill the plane or i kill it myself by sacrificing spawn point then ended up losing by point/capture? there’s literally no choice, everything lead to doom

Welcome to a thing called losing a game. You tried your gamble and it didn’t work. Such things happen in warfare where no choice is a saving throw. Welcome to the reality of a catastrophic loss. The enemy team outplayed your team, you did well dispite this, tried to negate it with a nuke, their aircraft advantage kept you from doing so. Simple.


it’s “unfair” gamble

gaijin trolled nuke plane