Nuke B29 spawning from airfield is stupid

YOU made the decision to spawn a nuke plane with enemy fighter cover. YOU did, and YOU died. It is YOUR fault for making BAD TACTICAL decisions.

It isn’t a good idea, and I’ve laid out exactly why already. Which is a better argument and more accurate to the situation than your awful initial post and victim mentality. Dare I even mention your attacks on other poeple for bad arguments when you say the equivilent of “nuh-uh”.

I don’t reject good idea or things that make sense. I reject stupid ideas that I think don’t fit Warthunder or would worsten the experience. This idea fits both in my eyes.

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Naw nuke spawn is fine now. if anything it is a problem with Fighters and other aircraft getting an AAS (Advanced Air Spawn), when realistically them starting at the airfield at the same height and relative speed or on the runway is just fine. But that said it also should be recognized that spawning a nuke in heavy fighter cover is just a poor idea.

Plus, a nuke should not be an end all be all. Their should be the opportunity to counter if need be. I even would go as far to say that I would like to try a mechanic that makes it so if a nuke is shot down, that team should automatically loose. Key word here TRY, because I can understand how that may go poorly.

I agree for Ground RB, but as for Air RB…

I am in the group that thinks we should have airspawn for all aircraft, similar to Air AB.

nuh-uh, spawning nuke isnt bad decision but spawning it on AF is, it’s not like i had any other choice

Spawning a heavy bomber when there is heavy fighter cover is a bad idea you donut.

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even if i say 9.4KM it still make sense because that was the altitude when B29 nuked japan, they werent crazy enough to drop nuke at 50 meter above ground like people does in this gaem

You couldve just not spawned the nuke in all fairness

And those B-29s had ample amount of time to reach 9.4km. How about you fly your nuke plane for hours to reach that altitude?


what? just move the AF spawn to air spawn? tf are you talking about

Yeah you would have lost but you clearly got shot down so lost anyway. So you could have just. not spawned it and not given someone an extra 20k SL.

or i spawn it win the game and get 15k
it’s a gamble but gaijin made it unfair

I wpuld also agree with that, but have long range/frontline bombers start at 9km, strike aircraft around 1km, and fighters somewhere in between. But that would be my idea thoughts on the numbers. Props and subsonics only though, supersonic jets and avdanced missiles would be kind of wierd with high level spawns.

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This is why not.


Or you spawn it and get shot down in the process. Nukes are not a gauruntee in this game.


im not reading all that thoguh

Yea, because it’s a well thought out argument thay disagrees with you. You’re just an ignorant angry donut.


because they spawn it on AF not 9.4 like in real life

This isnt real life, this is a video game.

Also it would take you HOURS to reach that altitude becausr bombers also don’t magically materialize in the sky in real life.

exactly why i said