Nuke B29 spawning from airfield is stupid

No it isn’t, making the nuke plane spawn at 4km in a game where gun SPAA can’t hit those ranges and planes couldn’t realisticly climb to unless doing nothing but high cover isn’t fair.

You’re just soooo upset by this whole thing. Gaijin didn’t troll your plane. The enemy fighters trilled your bad decision with superior air to air tactics.


yes, it is

Oh, such well though out arguments from the ignorant donut that said noone else had them.

as much as yours

How would you know how well thought out my argument is? You openly admitted you wouldn’t read it. You’re an absolute moron and can’t stop attempting to play this victim card.

ask your mom

Lmao, you’re such a joke. An actual joke, and a perfect example of an angry child.

say the guy who gave an essay to yes or no question, lmao

Yes, a counterargument. You know, well thought out and explained. A concept that elludes you.

You seem to think you are somehow “winning” this, when it is just your weak intellect not undertaanding you are (and have been) making yourself look like a fool this entire time. Ignorant Donut.


imgine cant grasp the concept of yes or no question

Imagine you can’t grasp the concept of Game Discussion and not Suggestions.

  • tagged suggestion
  • look inside
  • a suggestion
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Thank you for deomstrating your ignorance. Game Discussion is for discussing the ideas. Suggestions is for putting those idea to the Gaijin Team for possible implementation. That pretty clue color on this posts section denotes Game Discussion. Green is for Suggestions.

Your tag of suggestion in a Game Discussion thread means you intend to DISCUSS the suggestion.

You don’t own this post. Gaijin owns the forum and all information within it. You merely created it in the wrong section for the wrong purpose.

i do though

You don’t at all. You are a liscensed user of a Gaijin owned domain through the use of a Gaijin owned account that you are liscenced to use.

well, i do

You can say you own it as much as you want, but you are incorrect. You may want to read the TOS you agreed to when creating an account.

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sure buddy, i own this post anyway though

You don’t have very good reading ability, do you?

If you own it, kick me out of it. Remove my posts from “your property”. Should be simple if you own it. You can’t because you’re a forum USER not forum OWNER.