Now that we have the Mig 29 (1983+), Yak 141 (1991), SU-39 (SU-25 Modernization Prototype 2008)

At least not fighters, F-111 or F-117 could be an interesting US addition. Gives them something whilst allowing other nations to catch up

Did you read what I said? Clearly not.

And since they want to drop every variant for russia:

They need to add in all the Bradley variants and give them to every nation they should be in.

They need to add in every A10 Warthog variant.

The Aardvark would be a hell of a fun plane. Could also give it to the UK through the Aussie variant.

It definetly could come to Britain, but not sure what it would give that the Torando Gr1 doesnt give though, but yeah, Im surprised no F-111 yet

Considering its bigger, faster, and has more payload than the Tornado and entered service a full decade earlier? I’m not. The four inner, swiveling pylons alone have as much payload as the GR4 does in total and there’s still allowance for a Vulcan with over 2,500 rounds in the central ordnance bay. No countermeasures and limited A2A missile options would mean it can’t be placed high, yet its speed and payload means it can’t be placed low.

So maybe a 10 ish bomber then? Could be interesting.

Yeah, even the basic F-111A that had its initial combat debut in 1968 before being yanked for a few years to fix some mechanical issues is competitive with the Tornado save in electronics. The F-111F with its 1980’s electronics upgrades with infrared, laser, and a modern cockpit would blow even the GR4 out of the water in terms of strike missions. I think its radar might have gotten upgrades at the same time, too.

Eh… not entirely sure about that bit, Gr4 was a beast, and is easily going to have to be high BR, like 12 ish because it will be firing off things like Brimstone. Maybe akin to or better than the Gr1 though is probably about right.

Fair. I don’t think the US Aardvark ever got the ability to launch guided missiles, but the Aussie one mounted Popeye and Harpoon on its wing mounts. Still not anything to sneeze at though considering it could theoretically carry and deploy eight 2,000 pound Paveways and still sweep its wings for maximum speed. Only 16,000 pounds, plus the FLIR/laser in the bay.

Trust me. Its not a payload to laugh at, not when a single pylon can carry 10 Durandal on a Christmas Tree mount.

Oh yeah, it brute size its impressive, but I think things like the GMR/TFR on the Tornado and the later Gr4 upgrades give the Tornado IDS capabilities that the F-111 didnt have. Though on the flip side, the F-111 had capabilites the Gr1 didnt have. I think in Iraq F-111s provided the bulk of ECM work for protecting the Gr1s when they went to medium alt

Yeah, we seem to be in agreement there. But given that the GR4 was a mid-90’s package deployed around the time the Strike Eagle was finally starting to replace the Aardvark not really all that surprising.

Yeah… They would be complimentary aircraft to have. Though I do feel they are now a little late, maybe good if/when we get Cluster bombs?

I think though a Mig-27/Tornado IDS/F-111 update would have been glorious and they completely missed that oppotunity.

Cluster bombs? The F-111 can deploy 500 pounders as if they were cluster bombs. :P

Hehe, yeah, that’ll do :P Just bomb series all, go into a really steep loft attack profile, and rain artillery down onto a target

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Pretty much, yeah.

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Now, imagine that with rockeyes!

48 rockeyes, with 247 submunitions each

11,856 submunitions!

It does though?


F-16ADF - 1989
MiG-29 (9-13) -1986
F-14B - 1994
Yak 141 - 1991
Where is the 20 year gap?

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Currently in game


F14A+ was redesignated to F14B in '91

R27ER introduced in '90

Yak-41 terminated in '92, never entered service

SU-39 in ~2000

AIM-7M entered service in '82

AIM-7F in '76

AIM-9L entered service in '76

R60M in ~82

R73 (No IRCCM) in '84

AIM-54C in '86



F15C '79, MSIP II '85

F18C '87

F16 Block 50 '91

F14D '90

F15E in '88

SU-27S in '86

AIM-7P in '87

AIM-9M I’m '83

No ‘20 year gap’ but a significant gap in missile age and a lack of mainline fighters

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There are a bunch of AIM-9L sub version Britain used though.

  • De-chirped AIM-9L (better lock range)
  • AIM-9L Genetic A (IRCCM)
  • AIM-9L Genetic B (IRCCM)
  • AIM-9L Genetic C (IRCCM)
  • AIM-9Li (IRCCM)
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